Tri-Town Opinion

Charles Darwin’s birthday deserves to be recognized

It has been proposed that Feb. 12 (Charles Darwin's birthday) be set aside to honor Darwin for his contributions to the natural sciences and the importance of science in...

Letters provide the freedom for all to be heard

For the past 45 years I have been writing letters to the editor on a variety of topics,...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Westlake community remembers terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

By Ellen Keller It has been 21 years since Sept. 11, 2001, that tragic day when America was attacked...

Jefferson was impefect, but made great contributions

On July 4 we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and to an extent, the man...

Tri-Town Opinion

Director thanks local Fresh Air Fund host families

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Fresh Air Fund host families and volunteer leaders in central and southern New Jersey....

October celebrated as National Reading Group Month

October is National Reading Group Month and an excellent time to make the public aware of the number and variety of reading groups and...

Get rid of the ‘bad apples’ of land conservation

By Michele S. Byers Farmers have long known that one rotten apple is enough to spoil the whole bunch. In the land conservation business, a...

Resident endorses Nelson and Penna for freeholder

Monmouth County freeholders need board members with fresh perspectives. That is why I am voting for Moira Nelson and Michael Penna. Mr. Penna is a...

Phantom facts and figures hurt the public

It seems to me that our government, probably on orders from the president, is either omitting the real numbers relative to inflation or putting...

Residents may be eligible for tax benefit

The Property Tax Benefit, which is often referred to as the “Homestead Benefit” is a chance for homeowners, many of whom are living on...

Is your yard a ‘food desert’ of non-native plants?

By Michele S. Byers Your yard may be your neighbors’ envy … beautifully landscaped and well maintained, but  if it’s full of non-native plants, to...

Resident asks voters to reject referendum

After voters did not approve a Freehold Regional High School District referendum last year, I was not surprised they would try again, similar to...

Resident supports Penna, Nelson for freeholder

As a former public office holder, I often find myself engaged in conversation with friends, colleagues and even casual acquaintances about the state of...

New Jersey forests age like fine wine

By Michele S. Byers Many things improve with age, like wines, cheeses, friendships, antiques and leather boots. How about forests? It turns out that new research...

‘Vine That Ate the South’ comes north

By Michele S. Byers You might think kudzu – jokingly referred to as “The Vine That Ate the South” – is an exotic sport, but...

Youth suicide a serious issue in Ocean County

While the opioid crisis continues to grab headlines, another public health problem has quietly emerged in New Jersey and in Ocean County. Suicide has become...

Diamondback terrapins, our salt marsh turtles

By Michele S. Byers Why did the turtle cross the road? On a mid-July day, a diamondback terrapin tried to cross busy 2nd Avenue in...

House bills are going nowhere in U.S. Senate

President Donald J. Trump fallaciously claims that Democrats are so focused on attacks on him that they have ignored other priorities such as infrastructure,...

Nature can slow climate change

By Michele S. Byers It’s hard to be optimistic in the face of climate change. For instance, just this past week we learned July was...

Resident will continue to fly American flag

This letter is being written in response to a recent letter to the editor from Ray Kalainikas. As the wife of a veteran, and...

Majority of residents appear to be turning against newcomers to America

By Rumu DasGupta I am writing in response to a recent Your Turn guest column that was published in this newspaper, "Governor, Attorney General are...

Remove flags to protest separation of children from parents

Taking down American flags and storing them until the American government ceases its cruel, horrendous and inhumane policy with respect to the children and...

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