Tri-Town Opinion

Charles Darwin’s birthday deserves to be recognized

It has been proposed that Feb. 12 (Charles Darwin's birthday) be set aside to honor Darwin for his contributions to the natural sciences and the importance of science in...

Letters provide the freedom for all to be heard

For the past 45 years I have been writing letters to the editor on a variety of topics,...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Westlake community remembers terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

By Ellen Keller It has been 21 years since Sept. 11, 2001, that tragic day when America was attacked...

Jefferson was impefect, but made great contributions

On July 4 we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and to an extent, the man...

Tri-Town Opinion

Opinion: Postal employees ask for communities to observe social distancing during deliveries

During these challenging times, postal employees are working hard to ensure residents stay connected with their world through the mail. Whether it’s medications, a...

Opinion: First responders deserve line of duty death benefits due to coronavirus crisis

As a matter of practice, policy and procedure, the vast majority of law enforcement agencies provide for certain employment benefits for all sworn personnel,...

Voting by mail is a good option for residents

The coronavirus has forced many changes in how we interact socially. We now have to worry about daily food supplies, educating our children without schools...

Nonprofit will assist people having mental health issues

The importance of focusing on our mental health needs at this time cannot be underestimated. We are all facing unexpected changes in our work...

Opinion: Ask legislators to support vote-by-mail security

It’s almost election time. Our primary is just over two months away, which should place it right smack in the middle of a global pandemic....

Monmouth County officials address COVID-19 crisis

In this unprecedented time of uncertainty, as we are all dealing with COVID-19, we wanted to let each and every one of you know...

‘Disingenuous politicians’ work to fool citizens

By RoseAnn Scotti The Trump administration is suing New Jersey to block its rules that limit law enforcement cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement...

Jackson mayor announces new committee

The mayor and Township Council members in Jackson work hard every day to ensure Jackson is the best place to live, work and raise...

Timing is everything when it comes to suicide prevention

As the old adage goes, Timing is Everything. A few months ago, I was fortunate enough to be asked to join a new suicide task...

Menorah lighting is now a tradition in Jackson

Sixteen years ago, Honey Greenberg and Linda Selznick of Bat Shalom Hadassah teamed up with Chabad’s Rabbi Carlebach to begin a new tradition: a...

Honesty in government is not an oxymoron

I sent letters to my Congressional representatives and to the Judiciary Committee chairs and ranking members on May 10, 2019. It is disgusting that...

Resident hoping Gov. Murphy will veto school tax legislation

After reading the article on Freehold Regional High School District Superintendent of Schools Charles Sampson's comments following the now twice defeated referendum, I was...

Opinion: The Blurred Blue Line

  They wear the blue uniform that symbolizes security But protection for all citizens is not a surety. It tends to shield them from criminal acts By saying,...

No need for 287(g) program in Monmouth County

I grew up on a farm in Monmouth County and am a strong believer in that adage attributed to farmers: “If it ain’t broke...

Superintendent offers details about referendum

I want to take a moment to inform the public about FRHSD: Ensuring Excellence, a proposal to reinvest in the Freehold Regional High School...

Energy efficiency crucial for New Jersey’s future

By Michele S. Byers Imagine two light bulbs side by side. One is a 12-watt LED bulb and the other is a traditional 60-watt incandescent...

Moritorium on development proposed in New Jersey

With traffic increasing at an alarming rate in New Jersey, with the loss of open space and farmland, with the quality of water and...

Massive bird losses should be ‘a rallying call to action’

By Michele S. Byers Bird watchers all over New Jersey have been feeling something amiss. "I see lots of backyard birds like cardinals and robins, but...

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