Tri-Town Opinion

Charles Darwin’s birthday deserves to be recognized

It has been proposed that Feb. 12 (Charles Darwin's birthday) be set aside to honor Darwin for his contributions to the natural sciences and the importance of science in...

Letters provide the freedom for all to be heard

For the past 45 years I have been writing letters to the editor on a variety of topics,...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Westlake community remembers terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

By Ellen Keller It has been 21 years since Sept. 11, 2001, that tragic day when America was attacked...

Jefferson was impefect, but made great contributions

On July 4 we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and to an extent, the man...

Tri-Town Opinion

It is time to rethink public utilities

By Kin Gee More than 1.4 million homes and businesses experienced a power outage in the wake of tropical storm Isaias. In particular, more than...

Sierra Club director offers support for Jackson open space initiative

By Jeff Tittel Jackson Township is considering increasing its open space tax rate from 2 cents to 3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. Jackson...

Two incidents grabbed public’s attention at outbreak of pandemic

At the start of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in March, Gov. Phil Murphy and New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal decided they needed...

Residents will feel sting of losing homestead benefit

I noticed my township’s website recently notified residents that the state will not be giving residents the second quarter homestead benefit to real estate...

Comet Neowise illustrates the importance of dark skies

Since the earliest days of human civilization, the night sky has been a source of fascination and mystery. Ancient star-gazers saw human and animal...

Resident suggests following the ‘Golden Rule’

Placing the words "Follow the Golden Rule" on the back of every police vehicle sets the behavior between citizens and law enforcement. The "Golden Rule"...

State is correct to do away with title of freeholder

I applaud Gov. Phil Murphy’s proposed bill to change the freeholder title to commissioner. In 1776 by definition, a freeholder was an elected official...

State’s position amounts to grand-standing

The announcement that the state has decided to change the title of county freeholders, in the middle of a pandemic, is mind-blowing. This is...

Jackson residents fighting for ‘fair process and our quality of life’

By Elenor Hannum How is it possible that the interests of New Jersey developers can supersede vital provisions in the Fair Share Housing Act, A-500,...

Summer camp: A place to build resiliency in wake of pandemic shutdowns

By Eileen Higgins CEO, Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore As New Jersey camps reopen and welcome children and teens for summer adventure in the great...

New report on plastics refutes false claims on reusables

We are in the middle of a health emergency, however, what happens to the environment still matters. Plastics are still getting into our waterways...

Opinion: We must protect cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic

I’m a volunteer for the American Cancer Society, writing on behalf of cancer survivors and their caregivers. I write out of concern for this...

A message from the County Prosecutors Association of New Jersey

The images of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis are deeply disturbing. Mr. Floyd’s death is being investigated not only by the Hennepin County Attorney’s...

NJSIAA begins to plan for students’ return to high school sports in New Jersey

By Mary Liz Ivins In my decades as an educator and school administrator, I’m hard pressed to find a situation as challenging as what we...

Resident identifies issue for food stamp recipients

Food banks are overwhelmed, while thousands of dollars sit unused in people's food stamp accounts, because New Jersey is one of only two states...

Opinion: Chelsea Senior Living has 30-year history of caring for seniors

Chelsea Senior Living operates 21 assisted living residences in New Jersey and New York. During the horrific COVID-19 pandemic, our senior population has been...

Governor’s order changes date of primary election

Executive Order No. 120 signed by Gov. Phil Murphy has postponed the 2020 primary election from June 2 to July 7 in response to...

Library staff is serving the public during pandemic

Reports from the professional staff at last week’s meeting of the Monmouth County Library Commission, conducted via conference call, were a vivid and outstanding testimony...

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