Tri-Town Opinion

Charles Darwin’s birthday deserves to be recognized

It has been proposed that Feb. 12 (Charles Darwin's birthday) be set aside to honor Darwin for his contributions to the natural sciences and the importance of science in...

Letters provide the freedom for all to be heard

For the past 45 years I have been writing letters to the editor on a variety of topics,...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Westlake community remembers terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

By Ellen Keller It has been 21 years since Sept. 11, 2001, that tragic day when America was attacked...

Jefferson was impefect, but made great contributions

On July 4 we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and to an extent, the man...

Tri-Town Opinion

State should pay for private school transportation

I applaud the Jackson Township Council and township officials for proposing that the state of New Jersey fund private school transportation. I believe that with...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of enjoying the bounty of our New...

Time to drop ‘under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance

With Flag Day approaching, I can recall back in the early 1950s, there was virtually no controversy when it came to reciting the Pledge of...

Grieving mom wants true account of how son died training as SEAL

Editor's note: The author of this Your Turn guest column is Regina Mullen, whose son, Kyle Mullen, 24, a native of Manalapan and a...

Monmouth Arts celebrates talent of Monmouth County teen artists 

By Sandy Riddle After two long-awaited years, Monmouth Arts returned in person to hold two days of festivities to celebrate Monmouth County's youth in the...

Resident offers ‘modest proposal’ for death penalty

Several years ago, I wrote a letter concerning the unreliability some states were experiencing using lethal injections to carry out the death penalty. To resolve...

Arnone anticipates busy year in Monmouth County

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season spent with friends and family members. As we get deeper into the winter months,...

Consider Einstein’s view about miracles

With all the depressing news stories lately, I thought I would pass on a story I recently read about that might provide a temporary distraction...

LWV congratulates county on successful election while overcoming challenges

We are writing as the presidents of the League of Women Voters affiliates in Monmouth County to acknowledge and congratulate our county clerk, Christine...

Nature will continue to pursue her course

Is Nature the ultimate authority as many scientists and naturalists, such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson and David Attenborough, contend, or are man’s deities the supreme...

Letter to the Editor: Speaking about mental health removes stigma

How refreshing to see the focus on mental health take on the same level of interest as physical well-being at the Olympics this year. Simone...

Resident endorses Posnock for Monmouth County surrogate

I had no idea what the role of a surrogate was until I needed one. Last year I was left with the responsibility of...

Voters have a chance to turn New Jersey red

The quote, “If Ciattarelli has anything on his side, it is history,” refers to the fact that Republicans have unseated Democratic governors in their...

Ten Commandments do not belong in school

North Dakota just passed a bill permitting the display of the Ten Commandments in its public schools, stating, “there is no reason why they shouldn’t...

Gov. Murphy needs to be recalled

Every one of my friends have come to the same conclusion about Gov. Murphy: He needs to be recalled and, at the same time,...

County budget is a sound financial plan

On May 27, the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners unanimously adopted the 2021 county budget in the amount of $452,650,000, which is $150,000...

Writer questions ‘benefits’ of Creationism

Some may be unaware, but there is a renewed effort to have “Creationism” taught in our public schools: “Just think of the benefits in furthering...

League calls on citizens to become involved

According to the Pew Research Center, no matter what your party affiliation, there is equal agreement that citizens should follow what happens in government...

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