Suburban Opinion

County Corner: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 16 is a significant day. It is the celebration of one of our greatest leaders of the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We celebrate his...

Pandemic fuels increase in tobacco use in youths

From 2005 to 2020, adult cigarette smoking rates fell from around 20% to 12%, and youth cigarette smoking...

The State We’re In: Kick off 2023 with a ‘First Day’ hike

By Tom Gilbert, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get...

County Corner: Holiday Celebrations 2022

It is that time of the year when we look forward to seeing family and friends. Whether it...

County Corner: Veterans Day – Nov. 11, 2022

Veterans Day is held on the anniversary of the end of World War I, for which fighting stopped...

Suburban Opinion

Death of State Trooper reminds motorists to be more aware

Flashing lights mean slow down, move over, be alert. The recent tragic death of New Jersey State Police Trooper, Sean Cullen, is a glaring reminder of the...

Achieving equality for all women still a challenge

Each year we celebrate March as Women’s History Month, and we salute women who throughout history have sacrificed to bring to the world's attention...

Grateful for care, concern, support

This letter is written for all those who helped make a difficult time somewhat easier. My husband, Gerald Celecki, passed away on Oct. 14, 2015....

Residents’ voices carry weight in town hall

In a recent letter to the editor, a local resident opined that while it is generally difficult for citizens to get the ear of...

Don’t abandon domesticated ducks, geese

Every year, domesticated ducks and geese are found abandoned in ponds and lakes. All domesticated animals are dependent on humans for food, water, shelter,...

Life stories with Lisa Anderson

For some people, a catastrophe can result in putting us on a totally different path in life. Such is the case for Sue Gallagher. Born...

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