Suburban Opinion

County Corner: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 16 is a significant day. It is the celebration of one of our greatest leaders of the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We celebrate his...

Pandemic fuels increase in tobacco use in youths

From 2005 to 2020, adult cigarette smoking rates fell from around 20% to 12%, and youth cigarette smoking...

The State We’re In: Kick off 2023 with a ‘First Day’ hike

By Tom Gilbert, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get...

County Corner: Holiday Celebrations 2022

It is that time of the year when we look forward to seeing family and friends. Whether it...

County Corner: Veterans Day – Nov. 11, 2022

Veterans Day is held on the anniversary of the end of World War I, for which fighting stopped...

Suburban Opinion

Opinion: At Middlesex County Fairgrounds, tater tots in a dog bowl are ‘fair’ game

Coming from New York City, specifically Brooklyn, I wasn’t exactly familiar with a state or county fair. My only exposure to it is what...

County Corner: Return to normalcy

While we spent last summer social distancing and avoiding large gatherings, this summer we are now able to gather once again thanks to the...

Opinion: Murphy was ‘extraordinary’ during pandemic

Gov. Phil Murphy deserves a second term as our governor based on his extraordinary work during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Let’s vote this November...

Opinion: Incorrect information about polling location is ‘sample of what is to come’

The week before the June 8 primary there was no information on polling for my development. I contacted several reliable sources including the Middlesex...

County Corner: D-Day

On the morning of June 6, more than 156,000 Allied troops – consisting of primarily American, British and Canadian soldiers but including troops from...

Your Turn: Memorial Day is a time to honor, thank service members for their sacrifices

Each year, on the last Monday in May, we celebrate Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer. We traditionally light up the grill,...

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