Suburban Calendar

Community Bulletin Board: Old Bridge: Jan. 24

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS), a division of New York Blood Center, which provides blood for local patients, is looking for a few good volunteers. The blood drive volunteer is...

Community Bulletin Board: Old Bridge: Jan. 17

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS), a division of New York Blood Center, which provides blood for local patients,...

Community Bulletin Board: Old Bridge: Jan. 11

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS), a division of New York Blood Center, which provides blood for local patients,...

Community Bulletin Board: Old Bridge: Jan. 4

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS), a division of New York Blood Center, which provides blood for local patients,...

Community Bulletin Board: Middlesex County: Dec. 27

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS), a division of New York Blood Center, which provides blood for local patients,...

Suburban Calendar

Stewards will study the environment beginning Jan. 27

  The Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County will offer an Environmental Stewards Program at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Jan. 27-June 8 at the EARTH Center,...

Job search workshop set for Feb. 16

The Business Resource Connection at the East Brunswick Public Library will offer a free job search workshop from 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 16. Led...

New Jersey Blood Services schedules local blood drives

  New Jersey Blood Services will hold the following local blood drives. Type “O” blood is in high demand: - 2-8 p.m. Jan. 22 at the...

Marimba Masters Jr. to perform at church on Jan. 24

  The Marimba Masters Jr. will perform at 4 p.m. on Jan. 24 at Saint Mary Church, 256 Augusta St., South Amboy. The seven young performers...

St. Stan’s to hold two open houses on Jan. 24, 28

 St. Stanislaus Kostka School, MacArthur Avenue, Sayreville, will host open houses 10 a.m.-noon Jan. 24 and 10-11 a.m. Jan. 28. Registration will be open...

Girl Scouts to conduct drive-thru cookie sale Jan. 23

 East Brunswick Girl Scout Troop No. 81124 will hold its Drive-Thru Cookie Sale 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Jan. 23 in the parking lot at Nativity...

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