NB Opinion

County Corner: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 16 is a significant day. It is the celebration of one of our greatest leaders of the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We celebrate his...

Pandemic fuels increase in tobacco use in youths

From 2005 to 2020, adult cigarette smoking rates fell from around 20% to 12%, and youth cigarette smoking...

The State We’re In: Kick off 2023 with a ‘First Day’ hike

By Tom Gilbert, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get...

County Corner: Holiday Celebrations 2022

It is that time of the year when we look forward to seeing family and friends. Whether it...

County Corner: Veterans Day – Nov. 11, 2022

Veterans Day is held on the anniversary of the end of World War I, for which fighting stopped...

NB Opinion

Election letters policy

Letters to the editor regarding the 2020 general election to be held Nov. 3 will be accepted through Oct. 16. Candidates may not submit a...

Opinion: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Fall is here and as the seasons change, we will all be doing our best to stay healthy through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and...

Opinion: Aboard a 747 – The Night That Nixon Resigned

The captain’s announcement came over the PA as our Pan Am 747 taxied out on the runway at Boston’s Logan International Airport. It was...

Opinion: Honor POW/MIA Recognition Day

Even when the people we care about are far away, we can always keep them close in our hearts. In times like these, this...

Opinion: Cigarette tax would lessen suffering from cancer

More than 53,000 New Jerseyans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year and almost 16,000 will lose their lives from the disease....

North Brunswick SEPTO thanks community for donations of school supplies

On behalf of the North Brunswick Special Education Parent Teacher Organization (SEPTO), we wish to express our appreciation for those who generously donated to...

Emmett’s Inn owner gave people nights to remember forever

It was early April 1978. The legal drinking age in New Jersey was 18 and I had turned 18 on March 27. For months, a...

Opinion: Let Freedom Ring

The Japanese war ministers thought they would bring the naval power of the U.S. to its knees by bombing and destroying the American dreadnoughts...

Opinion: New Jerseyans do not benefit from high gas tax, recreational drug use

Ronald Reagan said long ago, "Here we go again." First, New Jersey, on Aug. 29, announced a 10% increase in the gasoline tax after people...

NJSIAA executive states case for high school sports

By Colleen Maguire During the past five months, the lives of our student-athletes have changed drastically.  In March, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association...

Opinion: Schools should hold moment of silence every Sept. 11

As a country, we will be commemorating the 19th anniversary of the terrorists attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It is my hope and the...

Opinion: Crisis with post office has dire economic impacts

The current crisis with the U.S. Postal Service is a clear attempt by the Trump Administration to steal the upcoming election. However, there are...

Vote yes to legalization of cannabis on Nov. 3

On Election Day, Nov. 3, New Jersey voters will decide if the state will proceed with legalization of cannabis for adult use. The current status...

Murphy, legislators enact significant laws under cover of pandemic

By Marc Gaswirth Soon after the nightmarish effects of the coronavirus pandemic subside, school district administrators may ask themselves this question: Where is Chris Christie...

Opinion: Firestorms of August

Right now we are having a heat wave, plus the uncomfortable restrictions imposed to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. Back in August 1945, after the...

Opinion: Reopening New Jersey schools – Yes, but not yet

I thank Gov. Phil Murphy for all he has done to keep New Jersey healthy and safe. He has done so knowing that while...

Opinion: In the fight for equality and justice, the term ‘freeholder’ must go

If everything stays on track, by the end of July the New Jersey Legislature will pass my legislation to rename the "Board of Chosen...

Comet Neowise illustrates the importance of dark skies

Since the earliest days of human civilization, the night sky has been a source of fascination and mystery. Ancient star-gazers saw human and animal...

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