News Transcript Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Marlboro resident supports Andy Kim for Congress

President John F. Kennedy said the highest form of service "is not to utter words, but to live...

Resident supports Kane for Manalapan-Englishtown school board

This fall, I strongly urge all of Manalapan's voters to re-elect David Kane to the Manalapan- Englishtown Regional School...

State budget deserved support from Assembly members

I am perplexed about a letter from my Legislative District 11 state Assembly members Marilyn Piperno and Kim...

News Transcript Opinion

Nonprofit will assist people having mental health issues

The importance of focusing on our mental health needs at this time cannot be underestimated. We are all facing unexpected changes in our work...

Opinion: Ask legislators to support vote-by-mail security

It’s almost election time. Our primary is just over two months away, which should place it right smack in the middle of a global pandemic....

Monmouth County officials address COVID-19 crisis

In this unprecedented time of uncertainty, as we are all dealing with COVID-19, we wanted to let each and every one of you know...

Physical therapist responds to physician about annual exam

After the News Transcript published my article about the importance of an annual exam with a physical therapist in March, an emergency room physician,...

Democrats using virus as plan to defeat president

So, the Democrat party is left with two dottery old candidates still in the running, both of whom should have retired long ago and...

Resident states opinion about Manalapan zoning issue

The Manalapan Township Committee has adopted Ordinance No. 2020-02 which allows for converting 15 acres of woods and wetlands into a new construction site...

Doctor offers clarity on physical therapy

I recently read an article in this newspaper by David Bertone, a physical therapist, about obtaining an annual "physical therapist checkup." He unfortunately made a...

Freehold Township fails residents in long-standing cell tower battle

By Ron Saputo Unfortunately, it appears we are at the end of the road in our fight to prevent the construction of a 128-foot-tall cell...

‘Disingenuous politicians’ work to fool citizens

By RoseAnn Scotti The Trump administration is suing New Jersey to block its rules that limit law enforcement cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement...

New law to improve stroke care in New Jersey

On Jan. 21, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill that would improve the stroke system of care in New Jersey. The bill was passed...

Timing is everything when it comes to suicide prevention

As the old adage goes, Timing is Everything. A few months ago, I was fortunate enough to be asked to join a new suicide task...

Residents can stand up against warehouses

Two pieces of property on Route 33 in Manalapan are targeted to have warehouses constructed, but the citizens can stop it from happening. Understand that...

Group homes comply with stringent regulations

A state Assembly bill regarding residential health care facilities (A-5795) would not affect group homes. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify...

Honesty in government is not an oxymoron

I sent letters to my Congressional representatives and to the Judiciary Committee chairs and ranking members on May 10, 2019. It is disgusting that...

Sidewalks and bicycle paths would enhance project

The delay in the Tennent Road improvements in Manalapan (to 2022) provides an opportunity to provide much needed walking and bike paths that were...

Freehold Borough will host rabies clinic Jan. 11

Once again, Freehold Borough will host a free rabies vaccination clinic for cats and dogs on Jan. 11 from 9-11 a.m. at the Freehold Borough...

Resident hoping Gov. Murphy will veto school tax legislation

After reading the article on Freehold Regional High School District Superintendent of Schools Charles Sampson's comments following the now twice defeated referendum, I was...

No need for 287(g) program in Monmouth County

I grew up on a farm in Monmouth County and am a strong believer in that adage attributed to farmers: “If it ain’t broke...

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