News Transcript Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Marlboro resident supports Andy Kim for Congress

President John F. Kennedy said the highest form of service "is not to utter words, but to live...

Resident supports Kane for Manalapan-Englishtown school board

This fall, I strongly urge all of Manalapan's voters to re-elect David Kane to the Manalapan- Englishtown Regional School...

State budget deserved support from Assembly members

I am perplexed about a letter from my Legislative District 11 state Assembly members Marilyn Piperno and Kim...

News Transcript Opinion

Teachers are the real stars, not technology

After reading the March 30 News Transcript article, "Board Grants Superintendent New Five-Year Contract," I was disappointed to read Superintendent of Schools Dr. John...

Freehold must speak up to get school aid

I took a trip to Trenton recently. I boarded a school bus as the rain fell. The trip gave me an enhanced concern for...

County freeholders came through with tax cut

Let me publicly express my appreciation to the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders for the tremendous job they have done in arriving at their...

Make conversion to do-it-yourself government

When you discover that property taxation is a form of legal thievery and the government services you need can be done by yourself in...

Residents should question merit increases

It pained me to read the details of the new five-year contract for the Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District superintendent of schools, John Marciante Jr....

STOMP the Monster founder wants to make a difference

The emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis can turn someone’s world upside down. Immediate thoughts and questions of “How long do I have left...

EMS volunteers need public support

The attacks in Brussels and Paris remind us of our own vulnerability to another large-scale terrorist assault on our soil. Such a strike surely...

17-year-olds encouraged to register to vote

A recent law change enables every eligible 17-year-old New Jersey citizen to register to vote with the understanding that they may not vote until they become...

17-year-olds can register to vote in New Jersey

A recent law change enables every eligible 17-year-old New Jersey citizen to register to vote with the understanding that they may not vote until...

Death of State Trooper reminds motorists to be more aware

Flashing lights mean slow down, move over, be alert. The recent tragic death of New Jersey State Police Trooper, Sean Cullen, is a glaring reminder of the...

Achieving equality for all women still a challenge

Each year we celebrate March as Women’s History Month, and we salute women who throughout history have sacrificed to bring to the world's attention...

Rejecting the agenda of the oligarchy at the local level

The oligarchy (government by the few) which controls both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party has already decided who candidate A will be...

Resident will reject school referendum

Kudos to the Marlboro K-8 School District Board of Education for their steadfast resoluteness in holding yet another referendum. This is just another ploy...

Where did I put those memory pills?

I have heard that the multi-tasking our generation does is causing our lack of attention to detail. I suppose I could see how talking...

Residents’ voices carry weight in town hall

In a recent letter to the editor, a local resident opined that while it is generally difficult for citizens to get the ear of...

Don’t abandon domesticated ducks, geese

Every year, domesticated ducks and geese are found abandoned in ponds and lakes. All domesticated animals are dependent on humans for food, water, shelter,...

New committeeman thanks voters for support

I write to express my gratitude to the residents of Manalapan for electing me to the Township Committee. As I promised during the campaign,...

Residents should speak out on Verizon plan

Verizon is threatening to put up a 120-foot-tall cell tower within a few hundred feet of the YMCA of Western Monmouth County's Camp Topanemus...

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