News Transcript Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Marlboro resident supports Andy Kim for Congress

President John F. Kennedy said the highest form of service "is not to utter words, but to live...

Resident supports Kane for Manalapan-Englishtown school board

This fall, I strongly urge all of Manalapan's voters to re-elect David Kane to the Manalapan- Englishtown Regional School...

State budget deserved support from Assembly members

I am perplexed about a letter from my Legislative District 11 state Assembly members Marilyn Piperno and Kim...

News Transcript Opinion

Democratic candidates worthy of support

President John F. Kennedy said we need leaders who “can guide us through darkness to a safe and sure future” (acceptance speech, July...

Celebrate National Security Officer Appreciation Week

Security officers are hard-working, highly trained men and women who deter crime, lead evacuations, provide information, work closely with local law enforcement and are...

Police officer concerned about intraracial violence

Just as America recently celebrated Labor Day, Chicago also reached a notable milestone as well with its 500th homicide. It’s a milestone that is not...

High school athletics serve a greater purpose

I was filled with Garden State-centric pride watching 17-year-old Union Catholic High School student Sydney McLaughlin compete in the Rio Olympics, and I thoroughly...

Arts have a place in schools

In 2010, Congress declared the second week of September as National Arts in Education Week. As we usher in a new chapter of American...

Freeholder encouraged to ask governor to resign

The article, "Officials Concerned over Monmouth Park " (Aug. 25, Independent), is amazing. All of a sudden Freeholder Thomas Arnone is concerned about the...

Insurance payments drive up drug prices

As a pharmacist for 58 years, I have seen what has happened to drug prices since the beginning of insurance coverage for prescriptions. The...

Union scale wages affect need for gas tax hike

We are told that there is a deficit in the transportation fund. Whose fault is that? Are we taxed too little? Of course not. The...

YMCA is offering valuable programs

I want to share the good news in Freehold Borough for people over the age of 55. The YMCA Community Center at 41 Center...

Clinton will move us toward socialism

It was evident through the Obama election cycles that the liberal leaning media is aiding and abetting a move toward socialism in America. Actually,...

Committee hopeful discusses his ideas

I had to write in response to Diane MacIntosh's recent letter to the editor, "Writer Supports Pelaia in Freehold Township" and David Segal's response,...

Utility’s project isn’t needed, won’t improve reliability

JCP&L's Monmouth County Reliability Project to install air-insulated, high-voltage wires along 10 miles of NJ Transit's tracks from Matawan through three additional towns to...

Reader: Let’s take our country back

I am an octogenarian. Hopefully, I will be voting in the November general election. This morning after seeing and hearing the news, I had to...

‘We are neighbors first’

As a candidate on the campaign trail here in Monmouth County, I am struck by the level of divisiveness seeping from our national discourse...

All New Jerseyans deserve access to healthy food

According to a recent report by The Food Trust, the Healthy Corner Store Initiative has helped to improve healthy food access in lower-income communities...

Children need eye exams before starting school

I’m writing to commend Gov. Chris Christie for recently declaring August “Children’s Vision and Learning Month” in New Jersey. The goal of this observance...

Learn about Mid-Atlantic Ocean Action Plan Aug. 10

The Atlantic Ocean’s vastness is shared by many, especially along the heavily populated stretch of coast between New York and Virginia. The ocean is used...

Police at risk in traffic stops

Routine traffic stops. No more are there routine traffic stops. The police are under attack, under assault when they make routine traffic stops. The Department...

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