News Transcript Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Marlboro resident supports Andy Kim for Congress

President John F. Kennedy said the highest form of service "is not to utter words, but to live...

Resident supports Kane for Manalapan-Englishtown school board

This fall, I strongly urge all of Manalapan's voters to re-elect David Kane to the Manalapan- Englishtown Regional School...

State budget deserved support from Assembly members

I am perplexed about a letter from my Legislative District 11 state Assembly members Marilyn Piperno and Kim...

News Transcript Opinion

Manalapan residents deserve a voice in local decisions

It was the best of towns, it was the worst of towns. It was listening, it was ignoring. It was the right decision, it...

Marlboro Republican chairman: New council members had 100-day plan

By John C. Gibardi The newly elected Republican Marlboro Township Council members - Antoinette DiNuzzo, Michael Milman and Juned Qazi - were elected to make...

Truckers play a crucial role in nation’s economy

Truckers are crucial to our national supply chain and the economy, yet issues regarding increasing driver turnover rates have long been unaddressed. Truckers used...

All people should promote the Golden Rule

In today's tumultuous world, love of humanity is what is needed most. At the root, we are all the same. The greatest tribute to the...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of enjoying the bounty of our New...

Grieving mom wants true account of how son died training as SEAL

Editor's note: The author of this Your Turn guest column is Regina Mullen, whose son, Kyle Mullen, 24, a native of Manalapan and a...

Monmouth Arts celebrates talent of Monmouth County teen artists 

By Sandy Riddle After two long-awaited years, Monmouth Arts returned in person to hold two days of festivities to celebrate Monmouth County's youth in the...

President Biden has many accomplishments in office

Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he became our president. Despite some bad press, he inherited a...

Modern techniques needed to preserve park

Topanemus Park in Freehold Township is an Audubon and Cornell University bird reporting hotspot. The joint commission and ordinance state that the park is...

Comment at Manalapan-Englishtown school board meeting was appalling

Since last spring, talk of masks, vaccines and mandates has dominated Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District Board Eduction meetings. Once calm, education-centered proceedings have become extremely...

Essential workers deserve COVID relief funds

New Jersey residents received more than $10 billion in stimulus COVID relief payments, in three installments. Unfortunately, some essential workers did not have the...

Arnone anticipates busy year in Monmouth County

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season spent with friends and family members. As we get deeper into the winter months,...

Manalapan officials need to fix garbage situation

As you may recall, for just $33 per household per year, Manalapan could have maintained two trash pickups and one recycling day each week...

Resident questions Manalapan garbage arrangement

Now that we are drowning in a sea of garbage due to the disastrous decision of the Manalapan Township Committee, are Mayor Jack McNaboe,...

Drinking water at risk with proposed development in Colts Neck

The League of Women Voters has long supported low and moderate income housing policies as well as protections for clean drinking water. The Fair Housing Act...

Consider Einstein’s view about miracles

With all the depressing news stories lately, I thought I would pass on a story I recently read about that might provide a temporary distraction...

LWV congratulates county on successful election while overcoming challenges

We are writing as the presidents of the League of Women Voters affiliates in Monmouth County to acknowledge and congratulate our county clerk, Christine...

Sierra Club: Proposed Colts Neck Manor raises environmental concerns

By Taylor McFarland The Colts Neck Planning Board held a special meeting on Nov. 3 to vote on the Colts Neck Manor development. The proposal...

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