Examiner Opinion

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey. This new option allows registered voters to cast their ballots in...

Resident offers update on developable parcel in Upper Freehold Township

I would like to provide three updates regarding the possible development of the Stein property behind the Valero...

Residents are uniting to discuss impacts of regional development

By Elliot Wiesner The mayor of Allentown, Thomas Fritts, opened a community meeting on May 4 in the Newell...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of...

Signs advertising residential development are misleading

I have written the following letter to the members of the Township Committee in Upper Freehold Township. While driving...

Examiner Opinion

Life stories with Lisa Anderson

For some people, a catastrophe can result in putting us on a totally different path in life. Such is the case for Sue Gallagher. Born...

Obstacles prevent women from getting care

It is hard to believe that 43 years have passed since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a woman’s right to privacy...

Residents warned about phony IRS calls

Across New Jersey, residents are have been receiving phone calls from scammers claiming to be from the IRS or the U.S. Treasury for a...

Property tax reform needed in New Jersey

Thirty-five states have county centralized assessment programs. New Jersey is now testing two different tax assessment models. The test is a municipal based assessor...

Health-care restrictions endanger women

It is hard to believe that 43 years have passed since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a woman’s right to privacy in...

Writer takes issue with Smith’s positions

Congressman Chris Smith’s (R-NJ) stance on human trafficking is commendable, which leads us to believe he champions women’s rights. However, Congressman Smith’s long-term voting...

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