Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey. This new option allows registered voters to cast their ballots in...
Since 1994, the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey (VNACJ) Community Health Center (CHC) has been of tremendous service to Monmouth County, offering comprehensive...
Voting for presidential candidate Donald Trump as the leader of the world ascertains that America is losing its moral compass.
Trump has not been loyal...
A recent law change enables every eligible 17-year-old New Jersey citizen to
register to vote with the understanding that they may not vote until they
Flashing lights mean slow down, move over, be alert.
The recent tragic death of New Jersey State Police Trooper, Sean Cullen, is a glaring reminder of the...
The Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education has announced a budget increase that calls for what the board characterizes as a modest...
Every year, domesticated ducks and geese are found abandoned in ponds and lakes. All domesticated animals are dependent on humans for food, water, shelter,...
For the past year, hundreds of citizens from Bordentown to Upper Freehold Township have spent countless hours and sleepless nights organizing, attending town meetings,...