Examiner Opinion

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey. This new option allows registered voters to cast their ballots in...

Resident offers update on developable parcel in Upper Freehold Township

I would like to provide three updates regarding the possible development of the Stein property behind the Valero...

Residents are uniting to discuss impacts of regional development

By Elliot Wiesner The mayor of Allentown, Thomas Fritts, opened a community meeting on May 4 in the Newell...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of...

Signs advertising residential development are misleading

I have written the following letter to the members of the Township Committee in Upper Freehold Township. While driving...

Examiner Opinion

Agency focuses on community’s health

Since 1994, the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey (VNACJ) Community Health Center (CHC) has been of tremendous service to Monmouth County, offering comprehensive...

Can Trump restore America and change the status quo?

Vox Populi, Vox Dei — The Voice Of The People Is the Voice of God - is inscribed on the alabaster frieze of the...

Uncertainty principle a more reassuring option for voter

It seems like our choices are narrowed. In Ted Cruz, I found a man who actually did exactly what he said he would do...

Trump represents a lack of morals for America

Voting for presidential candidate Donald Trump as the leader of the world ascertains that America is losing its moral compass. Trump has not been loyal...

Public encouraged to acknowledge EMS personnel this week

While most New Jerseyans hunkered down during the Jan. 23 blizzard, members of the Oceanport First Aid Squad were busy, literally, saving a life....

Strikers urged to end work stoppage, continue negotiations

As a business owner and longtime Verizon customer in New Jersey, I am concerned my service and business may be affected if striking Verizon...

Annual event brings attention to heart disease in women

Our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends are at risk. Heart disease and stroke cause one in three deaths among women each year — more...

County freeholders came through with tax cut

Let me publicly express my appreciation to the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders for the tremendous job they have done in arriving at their...

Make conversion to do-it-yourself government

When you discover that property taxation is a form of legal thievery and the government services you need can be done by yourself in...

EMS volunteers need public support

The attacks in Brussels and Paris remind us of our own vulnerability to another large-scale terrorist assault on our soil. Such a strike surely...

17-year-olds encouraged to register to vote

A recent law change enables every eligible 17-year-old New Jersey citizen to register to vote with the understanding that they may not vote until they become...

Death of State Trooper reminds motorists to be more aware

Flashing lights mean slow down, move over, be alert. The recent tragic death of New Jersey State Police Trooper, Sean Cullen, is a glaring reminder of the...

Millstone school budget goes in wrong direction

The Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education has announced a budget increase that calls for what the board characterizes as a modest...

Achieving equality for all women still a challenge

Each year we celebrate March as Women’s History Month, and we salute women who throughout history have sacrificed to bring to the world's attention...

Residents’ voices carry weight in town hall

In a recent letter to the editor, a local resident opined that while it is generally difficult for citizens to get the ear of...

Don’t abandon domesticated ducks, geese

Every year, domesticated ducks and geese are found abandoned in ponds and lakes. All domesticated animals are dependent on humans for food, water, shelter,...

Seniors appreciate gifts, dinner from scouts

The Millstone Township seniors would like to thank the Girl Scouts and the Girl Scout leaders of Millstone Township for the Christmas dinner they...

Action can be taken to halt planned pipeline

For the past year, hundreds of citizens from Bordentown to Upper Freehold Township have spent countless hours and sleepless nights organizing, attending town meetings,...

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