Examiner Opinion

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey. This new option allows registered voters to cast their ballots in...

Resident offers update on developable parcel in Upper Freehold Township

I would like to provide three updates regarding the possible development of the Stein property behind the Valero...

Residents are uniting to discuss impacts of regional development

By Elliot Wiesner The mayor of Allentown, Thomas Fritts, opened a community meeting on May 4 in the Newell...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of...

Signs advertising residential development are misleading

I have written the following letter to the members of the Township Committee in Upper Freehold Township. While driving...

Examiner Opinion

Give children back to school eye exam

I am writing to commend Gov. Chris Christie for declaring August “Children’s Vision and Learning Month” in New Jersey. The goal of this observance...

DEP’s proposed revisions may threaten water supply

The League of Women Voters of Ocean Township is urging the New Jersey Senate to post SCR66 for a vote as soon as possible. If...

Proposed constitutional amendment to fund pensions lacks transparency

It’s only fair that the State of New Jersey keeps its promises to tens of thousands of retirees regarding their pension payments. So, it...

Revisions would serve builders, not residents

The League of Women Voters of Monmouth County is urging the state Senate to post SCR66 for a vote as soon as possible. If...

Continuing improvements still needed for persons with disabilities

As the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reached its 26th anniversary on July 26, we must of course celebrate this monumental...

Union supports Monmouth County Reliability Project

I have lived, worked and raised my family in central New Jersey for 63 years. As the president and business manager of IBEW Local...

Presidential candidates need to address Social Security

Both presidential candidates will take the stage in the next two weeks to try to sell us on the idea they can lead our...

Complete Streets will help Americans stay active

Streets are the great connectors of any community. They don’t just take us from one place to another in our cars, they bring us...

Kudos for passage of open space legislation

As a result of the growing pressure from voters throughout New Jersey over recent months, open space legislation was passed and signed into law...

Resident supports Phillipson for Congress

As a retired family nurse practitioner and resident of New Jersey for 40 years, I am appalled at Congressman Chris Smith’s (R-NJ) voting record....

Consider running for seat on local school board

By Donald Webster Jr. With the school year drawing to a close, now might seem like an unusual time to bring up board of education...

Resident supports Johnson for president

Like many Americans, the thought of having to chose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump this fall gives me anxiety. Hillary’s views, much like a...

Writer supports Phillipson for Congress

How does a guy who lives in Virginia and who holds views that are more Taliban than Tea Party represent NJ-4 in Congress? If...

Use tax funds only for their specified purpose

I understand our state Legislature is contemplating increasing the gasoline tax in New Jersey by as much as 100 percent. On its face, this...

Europe will ‘never be like America’

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bands which have connected one with another" ... so spoke...

Upper Freehold board gives Millstone hard time

Once again it appears the Upper Freehold Regional School District Board of Education is giving the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education...

AARP thankful for bill that protects the elderly against abuse

Thank you Gov. Chris Christie and members of the legislature for signing Bill S157 to create the New Jersey Task Force on Abuse Against the...

Caucus encourages women to ‘Get Out to Vote’

With New Jersey gearing up for the primary election on June 7, it is important that women in Monmouth County be informed of the...

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