Edison Opinion

County Corner: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Jan. 16 is a significant day. It is the celebration of one of our greatest leaders of the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We celebrate his...

Pandemic fuels increase in tobacco use in youths

From 2005 to 2020, adult cigarette smoking rates fell from around 20% to 12%, and youth cigarette smoking...

The State We’re In: Kick off 2023 with a ‘First Day’ hike

By Tom Gilbert, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation If one of your New Year's resolutions is to get...

County Corner: Holiday Celebrations 2022

It is that time of the year when we look forward to seeing family and friends. Whether it...

County Corner: Veterans Day – Nov. 11, 2022

Veterans Day is held on the anniversary of the end of World War I, for which fighting stopped...

Edison Opinion

Opinion: At Middlesex County Fairgrounds, tater tots in a dog bowl are ‘fair’ game

Coming from New York City, specifically Brooklyn, I wasn’t exactly familiar with a state or county fair. My only exposure to it is what...

County Corner: Return to normalcy

While we spent last summer social distancing and avoiding large gatherings, this summer we are now able to gather once again thanks to the...

Opinion: Townhouses will ‘change character’ of Edison

I am against the 23 townhouses proposed to be built in the former Charlie Brown's restaurant. This does not maintain our current community values,...

Opinion: Townhomes are not suitable for former restaurant site in Edison

As are many Edison residents, I am very concerned about and object to the proposed development on the former Charlie Brown's Steakhouse site located...

County Corner: D-Day

On the morning of June 6, more than 156,000 Allied troops – consisting of primarily American, British and Canadian soldiers but including troops from...

Your Turn: Memorial Day is a time to honor, thank service members for their sacrifices

Each year, on the last Monday in May, we celebrate Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer. We traditionally light up the grill,...

Your Turn: Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey stands with those in Israel

The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey released the following statement regarding the unrest in the Middle East: Israel is currently experiencing large-scale...

Opinion: CASA volunteers establish safe, stable, permanent home for children

Child abuse and neglect is a serious problem affecting every segment of our community, and finding solutions requires input and action from everyone. While this...

Your Turn: World Autism Month

April is World Autism Month, beginning with the observed World Autism Awareness Day on April 2, officially declared by the United Nations in 2008. During...

Opinion: New Jersey should make patients a priority by issuing more medical marijuana permits

As a cancer survivor living with multiple sclerosis, I’ve experienced many symptoms over the years where medical marijuana would have made such a difference...

Opinion: One year later, pandemic fear erased at Chelsea communities

It was March 12, 2020, when COVID-19 arrived and our assisted living communities locked down. Visitation was stopped, residents had to be isolated in...

Business is ‘cautiously optimistic’ the worst may be over

What a difference a year makes. It was March 12, 2020, when COVID-19 arrived and our assisted living communities locked down. Visitation was stopped,...

Opinion: Celebrate Read Across America

On March 2 each year, all eyes are on books as we celebrate Read Across America. Created in 1997 by the National Education Association (NEA)...

Opinion: New Jersey needs local civilian review boards with subpoena power

New Jerseyans need to demand legislative changes to the process of reviewing complaints of police misconduct throughout the state. Currently, municipal and county law...

County Corner: American Heart Month

February is designated as American Heart Month to raise awareness of heart disease and stroke – the leading causes of death in the United...

New Jerseyans show caring spirit with support for NJ Sharing Network

By Joseph S. Roth Thanks to the support of our team members, healthcare partners and dedicated volunteers, 2020 was a record-breaking year for NJ Sharing Network’s...

Opinion: New Year 2021

Welcoming a new year is traditionally an exciting time as we look ahead to celebrating all life’s moments with family and friends and preparing...

Opinion: Thanksgiving is a time to build memories

"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing." I enjoy all the holidays when the family gathers together. But, Thanksgiving is special. It isn’t only...

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