Atlantic-Hub Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Red Bank Democratic chairman addresses municipal issues

By Ed Zipprich In war, the aggressor's first necessary, strategic move is to dehumanize the enemy. World War II...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of...

Grieving mom wants true account of how son died training as SEAL

Editor's note: The author of this Your Turn guest column is Regina Mullen, whose son, Kyle Mullen, 24,...

Atlantic-Hub Opinion

Europe will ‘never be like America’

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bands which have connected one with another" ... so spoke...

AARP thankful for bill that protects the elderly against abuse

Thank you Gov. Chris Christie and members of the legislature for signing Bill S157 to create the New Jersey Task Force on Abuse Against the...

Agency focuses on community’s health

Since 1994, the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey (VNACJ) Community Health Center (CHC) has been of tremendous service to Monmouth County, offering comprehensive...

Health center to hold Community Day Festival June 11

Since 1994, Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey (VNACJ) Community Health Center (CHC) has been of tremendous service to Monmouth County, offering comprehensive primary...

Can Trump restore America and change the status quo?

Vox Populi, Vox Dei — The Voice Of The People Is the Voice of God - is inscribed on the alabaster frieze of the...

Transparency sought for Eatontown’s master plan

The mission of “Eatontown Residents Against Mall Overdevelopment” (ERAMO) was to defeat the ordinance developed in secret by Eatontown’s mayor and supported by the entire Borough...

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