Atlantic-Hub News

New Jersey needs law to control invasive species

By Tom Gilbert What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens in New Jersey yards and gardens often can't be contained - especially when non-native plants are...

Monmouth County News Briefs, Jan. 25

The Assembly Judiciary Committee on Jan. 19 cleared a bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Vicky Flynn (R-Monmouth) that would,...

Eatontown council to consider request for cannabis cultivation business

EATONTOWN — Borough Council members may take formal action at their meeting tonight, Jan. 25, regarding a proposal...

What’s happening in nature during winter’s chill?

By Alison Mitchell New Jersey was quite frigid in December, but temperatures warmed as the new year arrived. So...

Middletown Sun and Tinton Falls-Eatontown Sun Datebook, Jan. 25

• New Jersey Blood Services, a division of New York Blood Center, is conducting blood drives which are...

Atlantic-Hub News

Couples share secrets of wedded bliss

By CHRISTINE BARCIA Staff writer Reminders of love flourish during the month of February. Hearts, roses, chocolates and cards are all reminders surrounding the celebration of...

Nominations for Berrie award due Feb. 19

Nominations are being accepted for the 20th annual Russ Berrie Making a Difference Award through Feb. 19. Members of the community are invited to nominate...

Many brave cold for MLK ceremony in Long Branch

By Kenny Walter Staff Writer LONG BRANCH--Community leaders and city residents braved the cold weather for the annual celebration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King...

County to kick off Grown in Monmouth

Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone and Freeholder Lillian G. Burry are inviting anyone who is interested in the business of agriculture to...

Animal shelter slates Feb. 14 brunch

Join the Monmouth County SPCA (MCSPCA) at 11 a.m. Feb. 14 for its annual Valentine’s Brunch at McLoone’s Pier House, 1 Ocean Ave., Long...

Sea Bright looks to create Green Team

BY KENNY WALTER Staff Writer SEA BRIGHT—The Borough Council is looking into the formation of a Green Team, which would open up Sea Bright for more...

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