Windsor Opinion

Hit the ‘trail’ and learn about New Jersey’s Black history

by Jay Watson, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation James Still always wanted to become a doctor, but as a Black child in the 1800s, never had the opportunity to...

Saving money, helping the climate, aiding justice

by Alison Mitchell, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation Interested in saving money on home energy bills? How about...

Migrating birds from the tropics returning to New Jersey

by Jay Watson, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single...

‘We need both natural lands and playgrounds, sports fields’

In calling for the "preservation" of "half" of New Jersey's land (, Jay Watson and the New Jersey Conservation...

An ‘ode’ to New Jersey’s dragonflies and damselflies

by Alison Mitchell, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation If you're near a pond, stream, or marsh on a...

Windsor Opinion

THE STATE WE’RE IN: A cleaner, greener New Jersey

What will New Jersey be like in 30 years? If bold recommendations from Governor Murphy’s Environment and Energy Transition Team become reality, this state we’re...

THE STATE WE’RE IN: Let’s keep New Jersey the Garden State, not the Pipeline State

There’s been lots in the news lately about proposed new natural gas pipelines. And you've probably noticed serious opposition from landowners, environmental groups and...

THE STATE WE’RE IN: New Jersey’s winter hikes

Got cabin fever? If you’re already stir-crazy from spending too much time indoors this winter, it’s time to get out and hike, cross-country ski...

How do we save our children from teen suicide?

Adolescent admissions for inpatient psychiatric care have risen over 54 percent in the United States in the last five years. And, according to research...

Beekeepers need help keeping hobby alive

I need everyone’s help in saving honeybees in New Jersey. I’m a Montclair beekeeper and if a proposed amendment to state law is adopted,...

Students should receive lower mass transit rates

I read recently about NJ Transit rail fare increases in New Jersey which are supposed to help fund the tunnel to New York. This...

SOLUTIONS: Cutting-edge research on energy efficiencies

By Huck Fairman Princeton, as most readers know, has become a research center for the environment and energy. Princeton University’s several schools and departments are...

WATERSHED MATTERS: Next governor should adopt a strategy to protect state from big storms

By Jim Waltman As the five-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy approaches, and with millions of Americans still suffering the ravages of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and...

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