Health & Fitness

Navigating Through the Tween Years: Listen, Laugh and Trust Your Gut

By Jody Kashden, Ph.D. Change can be hard, no matter your age. But for kids in their tween years, it can be especially difficult as everything seems to be changing all...

Targeted Treatments Offer Hope for Patients with Metastatic Liver Cancer

By Samuel J. Greene, M.D. Metastatic liver cancer, also known as secondary liver cancer, occurs when cancer from another...

Robotic Prostate Surgery Can Reduce Side Effects Such as Incontinence, ED

By Jamison S. Jaffe, DO   When it comes to treatment for prostate cancer, men have a range of options,...

Powerful Tools for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

By Eric H. Shen, MD Though not as common as some other types of cancer, pancreatic cancer is one...

Reclaim Your Life with Joint Replacement

By Hari P. Bezwada, MD            When is it time to have my joint replaced? It's a common question from patients...

Health & Fitness

Jaw Pain and Discomfort? It Could Be TMD

By Esther Frasso, PT Imagine waking up one morning and not being able to open your mouth. Or imagine not being able to chew or...

Don’t Sneeze Your Way Through Spring: Seek Care for Seasonal Allergies

By Kristen M. Sikorski, MD If you sneeze your way through spring, you are not alone. More than 50 million people nationwide suffer from seasonal...

Work-Life Balance: There is Such a Thing

By Heather Lynch, MA, LPC, ACS Work-life balance, is there such a thing? The short answer is yes. For many people, however, it can be difficult to...

Want to Keep Feeling Young? Start by Safeguarding Your Health

By Puja Chabra, MD Though there is no such thing as the fountain of youth, there are many ways women can stay healthy throughout the...

When Your Legs Feel Like Lead: Treating Leg Swelling

By Elliot Sambol, MD and Kelly Gray, PT Do you ever feel as if your legs are made of lead? That heavy, uncomfortable feeling can occur...

Pancreatic Cancer Rates Rising in Young Women

By Elsa Pichardo, MD The rate of pancreatic cancer among younger women, particularly Black women is rising rapidly, according to a nationwide study released earlier...

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