Health & Fitness

Navigating Through the Tween Years: Listen, Laugh and Trust Your Gut

By Jody Kashden, Ph.D. Change can be hard, no matter your age. But for kids in their tween years, it can be especially difficult as everything seems to be changing all...

Targeted Treatments Offer Hope for Patients with Metastatic Liver Cancer

By Samuel J. Greene, M.D. Metastatic liver cancer, also known as secondary liver cancer, occurs when cancer from another...

Robotic Prostate Surgery Can Reduce Side Effects Such as Incontinence, ED

By Jamison S. Jaffe, DO   When it comes to treatment for prostate cancer, men have a range of options,...

Powerful Tools for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

By Eric H. Shen, MD Though not as common as some other types of cancer, pancreatic cancer is one...

Reclaim Your Life with Joint Replacement

By Hari P. Bezwada, MD            When is it time to have my joint replaced? It's a common question from patients...

Health & Fitness

How do I know if my school-age child has social skill challenges?

By Alyssa Brennan, MOT By this stage of the school year, children in first through third grades should be settled in their classroom routine. While...

There is a natural relief for headache sufferers

Nine out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches. Headaches/migraines can significantly diminish a person’s quality of life. They can prevent you from working, playing,...

Physical therapy a good first choice before surgery for rotator cuff tears

By Dr. Leonard J. Somarriba, D.P.T, C.S.C.S. and Dr. John Scafidi, P.T, D.P.T, FAAOMPT Why get surgery if you don’t need it? Those who experience nontraumatic...

Obesity increases risk of cancer and disease

By Ken Freedman, D.C. There is a definite link between obesity and an increased risk for serious health problems, including cancer and chronic diseases. Approximately...

Women and heart disease: Go Red for women this month

By Eric J. Uhrik, M.D. Each year National Wear Red Day is a day set aside for women to learn how to lessen their risk...

Avoid food poisoning by keeping listeria under control

By Sandra Arango-Fahmy, M.D. Ice cream and octopus salad, hummus and organic mangoes were just a few foods recalled by the Food and Drug Administration...

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