
‘Run For Tania’ ignited by faith and friendship in Red Bank

They were new to town when Clem Lisitski and his wife, Tania, decided to venture out of their new financial office to spend the day drinking coffee, doing work...

Howell board grants variance for asphalt manufacturing plant

HOWELL - Following testimony that stretched over three calendar years, the Howell Zoning Board of Adjustment has voted...

Jackson zoning board denies application for cell tower on Cassville Road

JACKSON - Members of the Jackson Zoning Board of Adjustment have denied an applicant’s request to construct a...

Aberdeen fire company will celebrate 100th year anniversary

A parade to celebrate a century of serving and protecting its residents for the Aberdeen Township Hose and...

Performers of the Week for May 29

A soggy week may have washed out some crucial sporting events at our local scholastic fields, but there...


Places to be for week of Jan. 30

There are plenty of local scholastic sporting events to get excited for this week. The action is heavy on the boys' basketball courts ... The Shore...

Performers of the week for Jan. 23

Local scholastic stars continue to shine as the winter months move on. Here are some area athletes who delivered with big-time performances this past...

Places to be for week of Jan. 23

The winter scholastic season continues to roll on. Here is a full dosage of sporting events worth attending. The boys' basketball slate has a full...

Performers of the week for Jan. 16

Local scholastic athletes are lighting it up as the month of January moves on. The stars were shining on the boys' basketball courts ...  South Brunswick...

Places to be for week of Jan. 16

A fine way to get out of the cold and into the warmth is by visiting your local high school gymnasium, indoor swimming pools...

Performers of the Week for Jan. 9

Bid farewell to the holidays and greetings to a major dose of games and events for the 2017 winter scholastic athletic season. Here are some...

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