
‘Run For Tania’ ignited by faith and friendship in Red Bank

They were new to town when Clem Lisitski and his wife, Tania, decided to venture out of their new financial office to spend the day drinking coffee, doing work...

Howell board grants variance for asphalt manufacturing plant

HOWELL - Following testimony that stretched over three calendar years, the Howell Zoning Board of Adjustment has voted...

Jackson zoning board denies application for cell tower on Cassville Road

JACKSON - Members of the Jackson Zoning Board of Adjustment have denied an applicant’s request to construct a...

Aberdeen fire company will celebrate 100th year anniversary

A parade to celebrate a century of serving and protecting its residents for the Aberdeen Township Hose and...

Performers of the Week for May 29

A soggy week may have washed out some crucial sporting events at our local scholastic fields, but there...


Performers of the Week for May 22

As the month of May rolls on, so does the 2017 season for scholastic sports in the region. Local tournaments are in full bloom,...

Performers of the Week for May 15

At this stage of the spring, local high school athletic teams are in the midst of claiming conference and division championships with the regular...

Performers of the Week for May 8

The month of May is here, and with its arrival, scholastic sports continue to roll on. Here is a look at who has been sparkling...

Performers of the Week for May 1

Rain and clouds outshined the sun during a week when the weather dominated play. But there were some performers who delivered bright results on...

Performers of the Week April 24

The spring scholastic season is in full bloom. Here are some local athletes who have been shining so far this April. On the baseball diamond...

Performers of the Week for April 17

While many high schools were on spring break, local athletic teams were quite busy on fields throughout the region. Baseball games plentiful during break Jackson Memorial...

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