LEA KAHN, Staff Writer

Author Content

Pennington resident killed in single-car crash

A 21-year-old Pennington man was killed when his car veered off the roadway and struck a tree on Route 518 near the Hopewell Borough...

East Windsor Police blotter

A 44-year-old Rahway man was arrested on outstanding warrants from Elizabeth following a motor vehicle stop on Route 130 May 22. A police officer...

Drone unit helps find man charged with assault by auto

A 28-year-old East Windsor Township man was charged with two counts of assault by auto and other motor vehicle violations following a two-car crash...

Princeton Police blotter

A 35-year-old Trenton man was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Millstone Township Municipal Court following a motor vehicle stop on Nassau Street May...

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Colonel to lead Hightstown Memorial Day Parade

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Colonel Walter Conner will lead Hightstown Borough's Memorial Day parade as its grand marshal when the marchers step off May...

‘Embrace your challenges’

Three landmark businesses - the Trenton Farmers Market, Cherry Grove Organic Farm and Bountiful Gardens - and the Every Child Valued program were honored...