Lori Clinch

Author Content

Tears of sadness, tears of Joy!

The month of May is quickly approaching and I must say, with two graduations, it is going to be a busy one. First of...

Sadie and Doc, two dogs, different as night and day

Although I love our puppy, Sadie, she certainly isn’t anything at all like our previous and beloved dog, Doc. Some folks swear that dogs...

Done in by a single dirty sock

Although I’m a girly girl, I have many talents that would normally be associated with the more manly type. I can drive a 16-penny...

How much can a small taste of jalapeno dip really hurt?

Thankfully enough, according to the calendar, winter has ended and spring is upon us. Spring brings with it summer fashions, stylish ensembles and the...

Devices were a game-changer

With the youngest of our four sons embarking upon the final quarter of his high school career, I can’t help but reflect on my...

Tax time and the livin’ ain’t easy

I walked out of our home office just the other day feeling as though an anvil had been lifted off my shoulder. I had first...