Common calendar, Packet papers, Nov. 3


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Burlington, Mercer, and Somerset counties

New Jersey Blood Services (NJBS), a division of New York Blood Center, which provides blood for local patients, is looking for a few good volunteers.

The blood drive volunteer is an integral member of our team whose tasks include assisting donors with registration and/or at the refreshment area. No medical background necessary. Volunteers should be outgoing to provide friendly customer service, be able to perform tasks as needed and must provide proof of COVID Vaccination prior to volunteering. Must have transportation. All training is provided including additional precautions for the safety of our team and blood donors. For additional information call or text Sharon Zetts, manager of NJBS Volunteer Services at 732-850-8906 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday.

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Don’t wait until there’s a crisis to give – donors of all blood types, especially type O blood donors and those giving platelets – are needed now to keep the blood supply strong enough to support critical patient care all season long. Book a time to give by visiting, downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, or calling 1-800-RED CROSS.

American Red Cross Llura Gund Blood Donation Center – Central New Jersey

707 Alexander Road, Suite 101, Princeton

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 12:30-7:15 p.m.

Thursday: 10:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Nov. 9 – Noon to 5 p.m., Hopewell Valley Central High School, 259 Pennington-Titusville Road.


Nov. 3 – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Princeton University Frist Campus Center, 75 Washington Road.

Nov. 9 – 2-7 p.m., Princeton University Frist Campus Center, 75 Washington Road.


The Mercer County Nutrition Program for Older Adults has in-person lunches at nine of its locations.

The Nutrition Program for Older Adults provides a daily nutritionally balanced meal Monday through Friday, except for county and/or municipal holidays.

All meals meet the required one-third of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) daily referenced intake of nutrients for an individual 60 years or older.

Meals are available to Mercer County residents age 60 or older and their spouses (regardless of age), any county resident with a disability whose primary caregiver is a program participant, anyone volunteering in the program, and the personal care aides of program participants when they accompany a participant to the site where the meals are provided.

In-person services will be hosted at: Jennye Stubblefield Senior Center and Sam Naples Community Center in Trenton, Lawrence Township Senior Center, Princeton Café for Older Adults, John O. Wilson Neighborhood Service Center in Hamilton, Hamilton Senior Center, Hopewell Valley Senior Center, Hollowbrook Community Center in Ewing, and Robbinsville Senior Center.

Most meal services begin at 11:30 a.m., although times may vary by location, so call 609-989-6650 or inquire at a local site.

No payment is required for a meal; however, there is a suggested donation of $1 for each meal provided.

Reservations are required; call 609-989-6650 to reserve a spot.

Monthly menus can be found on the Nutrition Program for Older Adults web page.

If transportation is a barrier to participating in the congregate meals, Mercer County TRADE may be able to help; call 609-530-1971 or email Some of the sites also may have transportation options for its participants.

There may be home-delivered options.

For more information, call 609-989-6650 or email

Take-Home rapid COVID-19 test kits

Take-home rapid COVID-19 test kits are available at all Mercer County Library System branches. Mercer County residents may request up to three kits at a time. The kits are Lucira brand over-the-counter rapid molecular nasal swab test comparable to a PCR test.


Mercer County Correctional Police is hiring. Send resume to

Operation Yellow Ribbon

Each year Operation Yellow Ribbon (OYR) and the local community partner together for the December holidays to send a “taste from home” to U.S. Troops deployed in The Middle East and far from home during the December holidays:

We are asking anyone who would like to purchase and drop off the following types of items and products that are store purchased only and already fully sealed by the manufacturer. Ideas of items include:

• Candy Canes

• Cans of ground coffee

• Boxes of tea bags

• Hot Chocolate

• Holiday Themed Tins of Cookies

• Holiday Themed Chocolates

• Holiday Themed Candy

• Hanukkah Gelt (chocolate gold coins), Dreidels, & Hanukkah Candles

• Little Debbie Holiday Cakes/Snacks

• Hostess Holiday Cakes/Snacks

• Royal Dansk Cookie Tins (Butter Cookies)

• Store purchased cookies such as Oreos, Nabisco, Chips Ahoy, Keebler, Mallomars, Lorna Doone, Archway etc

• Kellogg’s Rice Crispy Treats

• Gingerbread House Kits

Please contact with any questions or if more information is needed.

George Washington’s Historic Crossing

There are two exciting opportunities to watch the 71st reenactments of General George Washington crossing the Delaware River. They will take place on Sunday, Dec. 10 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Monday, Dec. 25th from noon to 3 p.m. at Washington Crossing Historic Park, located at the intersection of Routes 532 and 32 (River Road) in Bucks County, Pa. The actual crossings will take place at 1 p.m. For more information visit



The Bordentown Township Police Department offers Straight to Treatment on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Insurance is not necessary to receive assistance. Neither is residency in Burlington County. No appointment is needed.

For more information visit or email

Every Sunday

Bordentown City holds a farmers market rain or shine outside Carslake Community Center, 207 Crosswicks Street. For inclement weather, the market is moved indoors.

Bordentown Library events

Bordentown Library is located at 18 E. Union St., Bordentown. For more information about the events below call 609-298-0622 or visit

Nov. 3 – 1 p.m. – Mah-jong Meetup.

Nov. 6 – 10 a.m. – ELL English Language.

Nov. 6 – 6 p.m. – Mindfulness Meditation.

Nov. 8 – 10 a.m. – ELL English Language.

Nov. 8 – 2 p.m. – Gentle Chair Yoga for Adults and Seniors.

Nov. 8 – 5 p.m. – Bordentown Gaming Club.

Nov. 9 – 1 p.m. – Gentle Yoga.

Nov. 9 – 7 p.m. – Reading is Murder Book Club.

Saturday, Nov. 18

Bordentown’s annual Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk is hosted by the Foundation for Bordentown Traditions. The 11th annual 5K starts at 9:30 a.m., 323 Ward Ave. For more information visit

Friday, Dec. 1

Bordentown Township Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6 p.m., municipal complex.


The Cranbury Public Library is located at 30 Park Place West. For more information on listed events please call (609) 722-6992.

Nov. 4 – 11 a.m. – TAB meeting.

Nov. 4 – noon – Saturday Study Buddies.

Nov. 6 – 4 p.m. – Chess Club.

Nov. 7 – 6:30 p.m. – Spinning Yarns.

Nov. 8 – 11 a.m. – Family Storytime.

Nov. 8 – 1:30-3 p.m. – The Donut Dollies Documentary.

Nov. 9 – 2-3 p.m. – Over the Counter Medications.

Nov. 9 – 3:30-4:30 p.m. – Thursday Crafternoon: Fall leaf painting.

Nov. 9 – 7 p.m. – Library Board of Trustees meeting.

Nov. 10 – noon – Cook the Book! Author event.

Cranbury Arts Council Gourgaud Gallery 

Gourgaud Gallery is located in Town Hall, 23-A North Main St.

Gallery hours are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information visit and

As part of a non-profit Cranbury Arts Council, the Gourgaud Gallery donates 20% of art sales to the Cranbury Arts Council and its programs that support the arts in the community. Cash or a check made out to the artist is accepted as payment.

East Windsor/Hightstown

Saturday, Nov. 4, 11

East Windsor Township is holding free rabies clinics for all dog and cat owners in East Windsor Township, as a convenience to residents. The clinics will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4 from 1-3 p.m. at the East Windsor Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 building located at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 11 from 1-3 p.m. at the East Windsor Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 building located at 69 Twin Rivers Drive.

Monday, Dec. 4

East Windsor to participate in Womanspace’s “Communities of Light” at the municipal building, 16 Lanning Blvd. at 5 p.m., Dec. 4. The lighting up ceremony will be followed by light refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits, containing six candles each, for $10 at any time at the Police/Municipal Court Building, 80 One Mile Road, and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go 100% directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence.

violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their
families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 232.


Photo submissions

The Administration/Clerk’s Office invites Hillsborough residents to share scenic photos of Hillsborough for the annual township calendar and planner. In the past, the calendar has showcased the township’s gorgeous open space and scenic locations including wildlife, farmland, parks, and rivers. When submitting photos, please don’t include people and pets, and avoid objects that distract including roofs, fences, and car windows. Please save pictures with your name and the location’s name before sending them to Deborah Ng at debng@hillsborough-nj. You will also need to fill out a photo release form that is located on the Hillsborough Township website.

Hillsborough Branch Library

The library is part of the Somerset County Library System at 379 S. Branch Road. For more information on the events visit

Nov. 3 – 4:30-5:30 p.m. – Read to a Therapy Dog.

Nov. 4 – 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Saturday Stations.

Nov. 6 – 4-5 p.m. – Paint with Stickers.

Nov. 6 – 6:30-7:30 p.m. – Writers Group.

Nov. 7 – 10-10:30 a.m. – Toddler Playdate.

Nov. 7 – 1-2:30 p.m. – English Conversation Group.

Nov. 8 – 10:30-11 a.m. – Math Matters.

Nov. 8 – 5:45-7:45 p.m. – Game Night.

Nov. 9 – 6:30-6:50 p.m. – Evening Express.

Girls on the Run

The 22nd season of Girls on the Run of Central New Jersey (GOTRCNJ) is gearing up for the fall season.

Volunteer coaches are needed in Somerset, Middlesex and Monmouth Counties. Please reach out to for more information.

Coaches do not need to be runners or athletic.  The goal of the coaches is not to teach the girls how to run. The key takeaway from the curriculum is for the girls to learn about confidence, character, caring, connection, and contribution to community. The girls learn to build self-worth, recognize their inner power to make positive decisions in their lives, while celebrating their uniqueness. These dynamic lessons instill valuable life skills including the important connection between emotional and physical health,

There is still time to volunteer as a coach or to start a new site for the Fall season. For information go to or contact

Saturday, Nov. 18

The South Branch Reformed Church will hold a delicious, chef prepared turkey dinner Saturday, Nov. 18 at the church, 870 River Road, Hillsborough between 4-6:30 p.m. In addition to turkey and gravy, sides include mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce, cole slaw, dinner rolls and assorted desserts and beverages. Dinners can be enjoyed in the church’s dining room or take out orders are available.  Please bring your own take-out bag. While reservations are not necessary, call (908) 369-4956 to let us know you are coming.

Hopewell Valley

The Sourland Conservancy – all year round – is thankful for every single member, volunteer, partner, and supporter for everything they do to save the Sourland Region’s important history and ecology.

Sourland Conservancy is at 83 Princeton Avenue, Suite 1A, Hopewell.

If you have planted any native plants and trees at your home or business, please email the Conservancy to let them know. They would like to highlight the efforts of private citizens in planting native to help connect green spaces and provide habitat for native and migratory species. For more information, visit their website or email

Diabetes Education at Capital Health

Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell, One Capital Way, Pennington, will hold four evening sessions from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The dates are Nov. 7, 14, 21, and 28.

For more information call 609-537-7081.

Saturdays at Howell Living History Farm

The farm is located at 70 Woodens Lane, Hopewell Township and is a facility of the Mercer County Park Commission. For more information on the events listed call 609-737-3299 or email

Nov. 4 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Cider Making.

Nov. 11 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Bacon, Sausage and Scrapple Making.

Nov. 18 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Logging and Firewood Cutting.

Nov. 25 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Corn Picking and Thanksgiving Hayrides.

Dec. 2 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Christmas on the Farm.

Pennington Public Library

Pennington Public Library is located at 30 N. Main St. For more information visit

Friday, Nov. 17 – 2-3 p.m. – Learn how to draw dinosaurs with award-winning cartoonist Rick Stromoski. Registration required.

Dec. 1 – 4:30 p.m. – Wallaby Tales Traveling Zoo.

Sundays at Washington Crossing Park

The Historic Education Committee of the Washington Crossing Park Association (WCPA) will lead tours of the State Park on various Sundays from 1-2:30 p.m.

Tickets are free. As space is limited, all tickets must be reserved at Eventbrite. (

Tours begin at the Washington Crossing Visitor Center Museum with a tour overview and a screening of the film, Ten Crucial Days: The Road to Liberty. Tour guides and state park historians will introduce participants to the Museum’s world-class Swan Historical Foundation Collection of Revolutionary War artifacts. They will also discuss Lloyd Garrison’s painting of Washington’s Crossing, and how it compares to other depictions of the 1776 Crossing.

Next, visitors will walk down Sullivan Drive to the entrance to Continental Lane, where you will engage in a discussion on the reasons why Gen. George Washington chose this spot for his history-changing campaign. From there, participants will walk to the park’s Stone Barn where they will examine a map of the Battle of Trenton and a large diorama of Washington’s Crossing, the March to Trenton, and the Battle of Trenton.

Finally, visitors will walk to the nearby Landing Overlook, where they will discuss the significance of the nearby 1740s Johnson Ferry House, and the importance of ferryboat operations to the Crossing and Landing.

Tours are free but donations to the Washington Crossing Park Association are gratefully accepted. Tours are contingent on the weather. For updates: call the Visitors Center at (609) 737-0623. You may also visit for more information.

NOTE: There are no park entrance fees until July 1st. After that, a $5 per car (cash only) entry fee applies on weekends until Labor Day.

Contact Information: WCPA, Executive Director Annette Earling,

Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3-4

Hopewell Valley Central High School is pleased to present Peter and the Starcatcher, a
play based on the best-selling books by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson about how an
orphaned boy became Peter Pan at the Performing Arts Center at Hopewell Valley Central High School, 259 Pennington-Titusville Road, Pennington. Shows are at 7 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 4

Hopewell Valley Veterans Association Veteran’s Day Ceremony at 11 a.m., Woolsey Park, Washington Crossing-Pennington Road. Rain or shine. Bring lawn chairs.

Monday, Nov. 6

Fall COVID and RSV Clinic from 4-7 p.m. inside Hopewell Township Municipal courtroom, 201 Washington Crossing Pennington Road.

Tuesday, Nov. 7

Vote and Vax at Hopewell Borough Hall, 201 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (flu only) and from 5-7 p.m. (COVID vaccine and flu shots).

Rabies Clinic

Nov. 4 – 9 a.m. to noon – Hopewell Township Department of Public Works, 203 Washington crossing Pennington Road, Titusville.

Nov. 18 – 9 a.m. to noon – Hopewell Borough Train Station, 2 Railroad Plaza, Hopewell.

Dec. 2 – 9 a.m. to noon – Pennington Borough Department of Public Works, 301 N. Main St., Pennington.

Jan. 6, 2024 – 9 a.m. to noon – Hopewell Township Department of Public Works, 203 Washington crossing Pennington Road, Titusville.

For more information contact (609) 737-0605 ext. 6780.

Saturday, Nov. 11

Hopewell Hikers at 10 a.m., Washington Crossing State Park. For more information visit

Tuesday, Dec. 7

Blood drive from 2-7 p.m. at Hopewell Township Health Department, 201 Washington Crossing-Pennington Road, Titusville.

Lawrence Township

The Lawrence Township Library Branch is located at 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Township. For more information contact (609) 882-9246.

Nov. 3 – 10-10:45 a.m. – Storytime.

Nov. 3 – 2-3 p.m. – Searching the Internet.

Nov. 5 – 1:30-2:30 p.m. – Friendship Bracelets.

Nov. 6 – 10-10:45 a.m. – Storytime.

Nov. 6 – 11 a.m. – Little Artists.

Nov. 6 – 4-4:45 p.m. – Round Singing.

Nov. 7 – 10 a.m. – Babytime.

Nov. 8 – 10-10:30 a.m. – Storytime.

Nov. 8 – 2-3:30 p.m. – Windows 11: Files and Folders.

Nov. 8 – 3-4 p.m. – ESL Conversation Circle.

Nov. 8 – 6-7:30 p.m. – Word Essentials.

Nov. 8 – 6:30 p.m. – mTiny Robotics.

Nov. 9 – 10 a.m. – Storytime.

Nov. 9 – 10-11:30 a.m. – Fiction Writers’ Workshop: Sharing Your Words.

Nov. 9 – 1-5 p.m. – Upcycle Challenge: Framed Wall Art.

Nov. 9 – 2-3:25 p.m. – Excel Essentials.

Nov. 9 – 6:30-7:15 p.m. – Play with Clay.

Nov. 9 – 6:30-8 p.m. – Poetry Circle.

Nov. 9 – 10-10:45 a.m. – Storytime.

Saturday, Nov. 4

Lawrence Township FOP Lodge 209 in partnership with the Lawrence Township Police Department and Cafe du Pain is hosting a Cars, Cops and Canned Goods Car Show from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lawrence Shopping Center, 2495 Brunswick Pike.

Anne Demarais Nature Center (ADNC)

The center is located at 481 Drexel Ave.

Every month, on the first Saturday, Lawrence Township Environmental Education Foundation is sponsoring walks through the meadow at the Lawrence Nature Center and through the Drexel Woods to see the wonders of nature, learn about the history of Lawrence Township and enjoy the great outdoors. Check back here, on our Events page to see what is coming up and to register for a walk.



Happenings at McCarter Theater

McCarter Theatre Center is located at 91 University Place, Princeton. For more information about events listed or for tickets visit

McCarter Theatre Center opens their 2023-24 Theatre Series with Eisa Davis’ Bulrusher, a transformational coming-of-age story filled to the brim with passion, humor, and even a touch of magic; on stage in the Berlind Theatre through Oct. 7. This is a co-production with Berkeley Repertory Theatre, where the production will move after its run in Princeton.

Through Oct. 29 – The Original London Production of Susan Hill’s “The Woman in Black,” adapted by Stephen Mallatratt and directed by Robin Herford.


Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS) has a number of events lined up. For more information visit

Nov. 3 – 7:30-8:45 p.m. – Eastern Screech Owl Evening Walk.

Nov. 4 – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Weekend Volunteer Session.

Dec. 1 – 6-8 p.m. – Perspectives on Preservation Exhibition opening.

Dec. 2-3 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Perspectives on Preservation Photo Exhibition.

Happenings at Morven Museum & Garden

Morven Museum & Garden is located at 55 Stockton St. Hours are Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information contact

Check out the Monthly Docent Tours of Striking Beauty: New Jersey Tall Case Clocks, 1730 to 1830. Morven’s special exhibition features over 50 tall case clocks, representing almost as many different clockmakers.

Tours are scheduled for the third Thursday of each month, at 2 p.m. through the duration of the exhibition: Nov. 16, Jan. 18, 2024, Feb. 15, 2024.

Morven’s annual winter exhibition, Festival of Trees, returns Nov. 15 through January 7, 2024. A must-see Princeton holiday tradition, visitors enjoy the museum’s elegant galleries, mantels, and porches festively decorated for the holidays by local businesses, garden clubs, and non-profit organizations. 

In celebration of the exhibition and the holiday season, Morven’s Festival of Trees Winter Garden Party will take place on Thursday, Nov. 30 from 6-8 p.m.

Continue your festive traditions at Morven by attending one of our Holiday Wreath Making Workshops. Sessions will be held on Monday, Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 28 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Princeton Public Library

Princeton Public Library is located at 65 Witherspoon St.

Nov. 3 – 9:45 a.m. to noon – Job Seekers: Strategic Steps to Supercharge your Job Search.

Nov. 3 – 10:30 a.m. to noon – English Conversation Group.

Nov. 4 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – RWJ Fitness and Wellness Center.

Nov. 4 – 10:30-11 a.m. – Kids: Saturday Storytime!

Nov. 4 – 1-3:15 p.m. (two showings) – Film Series: “Through the Mirror of Chess”

Nov. 4 – 2-3 p.m. – Teens: Fall Python Series (beginner)

Nov. 4 – 3:30-5 p.m. – Youth: Drop-In Chess Sessions.

Nov. 5 – 2-3 p.m. – Teens: Economics Made Simple.

Nov. 5 – 3-5 p.m. – Open Acoustic Jam.

Nov. 5 – 3-5 p.m. – Gente Y Cuentos/People & Stories.

Nov. 5 – 3-5 p.m. – Workshop: Writing Toward Hope and Healing.

Nov. 6 – 2-3 p.m. – Get it Done Together: Organize Your Digital Photos.

Nov. 6 – 3-6 p.m. – Kids & Teens: Homework Help.

Nov. 6 – 4-4:45 p.m. – Kids: Build with Lego.

Nov. 6 – 6-8 p.m. – Citizenship Test Prep Course.

Nov. 6 – 6:30-7:30 p.m. – “Earth Song Refrain” Exhibit Opening and Reception.

Nov. 6 – 7-8:30 p.m. – English Conversation Group.

Nov. 6 – 7:30-9 p.m. – Mystery Book Group.

Nov. 7 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Tech: Ask the Mac Pros.

Nov. 7 – 3-6 p.m. – Kids and Teens: Homework Help.

Nov. 7 – 4-7 p.m. – Mercer County Community ID.

Nov. 7 – 7-830 p.m. – Workshop: Writers Room.

Nov. 8 – 10-11 a.m. – Tech: Handy Kitchen Gadgets.

Nov. 8 – 10 a.m. to noon – Drop in and Knit.

Nov. 8 – 10:30-11 a.m. – Kids: Storytime!

Nov. 8 – 11-11:30 a.m. – Little Thinker Kit Playshop.

Nov. 8 – 11:30 a.m. to noon – Kids: Baby Storytime.

Nov. 8 – noon to 1 p.m. – Baby Play Group.

Nov. 8 – 3-6 p.m. – Kids and Teens: Homework help.

Nov. 8 – 4-5 p.m. – Stop Motion Animation Club.

Nov. 8 – 6-7 p.m. – Author: Angus Deaton in Conversation with Matthew Desmond.

Nov. 9 – 10:30-11 a.m. – Kids: Storytime!

Nov. 9 – 10:30-11:45 a.m. – Fiction Book Club.

Nov. 9 – 10:30-noon – English Conversation Group.

Nov. 9 – 11:30 a.m. to noon – Kids: Baby Storytime.

Nov. 9 – noon to 1 p.m. – Baby playgroup.

Nov. 9 – 3-6 p.m. – Kids and Teens: Homework help.

Nov. 9 – 7-8 p.m. – Author: Melvin Rogers in Conversation with Eddie Glaude Jr.

Nov. 10 – 9:45 a.m. to noon – Job Seekers: Developing and Customizing Your Master Resume.

Nov. 10 – 10:30 a.m. to noon – English Conversation Group.

Nov. 10 – 2-3 p.m. – Cartooning Workshop with Mike Dawson.

Nov. 10 – 3-4 p.m. – Teens: Take and Make – Strawberry Box.

Lewis Center of the Arts

Lewis Center of the Arts is located at 122 Alexander St., Princeton.

Princeton University Library

Commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s First Golio with a celebration of English literature.

Monday-Friday – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday – 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Princeton University Library is located at One Washington Road, Princeton.

Friday, Nov. 10

The November lunch meeting of Gotham Princeton Network will present Michael “Shank” Cruickshank, author of “Dead People Don’t Lose Weight: Learning the Art of Healthy Living” and has been training individuals in health and fitness for 24 years. He will be speaking about his book and strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle on Friday, November 10, 2023, from 12:30-2 p.m., at Trattoria Procaccini in Princeton.

Sunday, Nov. 12

HiTOPS Princeton Half Marathon in person, virtual and youth run.

Princeton University Concerts

Nov. 15 – 7:30 p.m. – Princeton University Concerts (PUC) will kick off its 2023-24 Healing with Music season at Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall on the Princeton University campus with “The Beat Goes On: Healing from Cancer through Music,” an evening of conversation permeated by live performance with New York Times bestselling author Suleika Jaouad and multiple Grammy-Award-winning musician Jon Batiste, moderated by Deborah Amos, international correspondent and Ferris Professor of Journalism-in-Residence at Princeton University. 

As an extension of this event, Princeton University Concerts has teamed up with Princeton University’s Office of Community and Regional Affairs to host a Be The Match bone marrow donor registry drive on campus throughout the day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at Frist Campus Center and 7-10 p.m. on Alexander Beach behind Richardson Auditorium.

Nov. 17 – 7 p.m. – Local artist Diana Weymar, founder of the “Tiny Pricks Project” and the locally focused Interwoven Stories project and long-time collaborator with Suleika Jaouad, will facilitate a free embroidery workshop—Interwoven Stories of Healing with Music—capturing community stories of Healing with Music at the Arts Council of Princeton. Visit or call (609) 924-8777 to register and to learn more.

Saturday, Dec. 9

Join Voices Chorale NJ for a festive concert featuring the heartfelt, rarely performed Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns and spirited arrangements of holiday favorite classics at 4 p.m., Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St., Princeton. Led by Artistic Director Dr. David A. McConnell, the chorale continues its tradition of presenting engaging, challenging, and diverse music in this winter concert. Dr. Akiko Hosaki will accompany the choir on piano and organ. Visit for more information.

Through Dec. 31

Artspace Art Exhibit features Through the Storm: Finding Home at the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon St. Homefront’s visual artists and poets have powerfully and creatively interpreted their journey from homeless to home while navigating overwhelming challenges along the way.

West Windsor

Kelsey Theatre at Mercer is located at the Mercer County Community College, 1200 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor.

Nov. 3-12 – On Golden Pond.

Nov. 24 to Dec. 3 – Parfumerie.

West Windsor Arts

West Windsor Arts Council, located at 952 Alexander Road, West Windsor, is hosting a number of events.

For more information, call (609) 716-1931 or visit

Nov. 6 – 7:30-9:30 p.m. – Benefits of Art on Mental Health: Card Box workshop with Faith Saunders.

Nov. 7 – 10 a.m. to noon – Diffuser Lava Bead Bracelets Jewelry workshops.

Nov. 8 – 7-8 p.m. – Meditation workshop.

Nov. 9 – Lunchtime Gallery and Art talk series: A Peto Retrospective.

Nov. 10 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Fall Break Camp.

Nov. 13 – 4-6 p.m. – Student Portfolio.

Nov. 18 – 2:30-5:30 p.m. – Holiday Market opens to members.

Nov. 19 – 12:30-5:30 p.m. – Holiday Market open to public.

Nov. 25 – Special Thanksgiving weekend hours.

Nov. 28 – 10 a.m. to noon – Soap making workshop.

Nov. 28 – 7:8:30 p.m. – Artist Meetup Collab.

Dec 2-3 – 12:30-5:30 p.m.

Dec, 5 – Deadline for “Manifesting Beloved Community” juried exhibit.

Dec. 9-10 – 12:30-5:30 p.m.

Dec. 16-17 – 12:30-5:30 p.m.

Through Dec. 23 – Juried affordable art show.

Continuing events

Hopewell Township officials remind residents about annual pet licenses, which are required by the state for all dogs and cats. A proof of rabies vaccination is required for the license to be issued.

The township’s pet licensing fees are $22.20 for spayed or neutered dog, and $21 for spayed/neutered cats. If an animal is not spayed or neutered, the fee is $3 more. Pet owners received a notice back in October, with a deadline for payment at the end of January.

The Burlington County Sheriff’s Department will perform safety seat inspections every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5-8 p.m.

No appointment required.

The service is offered free of charge to improve child safety.

A typical inspection takes about 20 minutes.

Inspections are performed at the Burlington County Administration Building, 49 Rancocas Road, Mount Holly. Residents can call 609-265-3788 when they arrive and ask for the on-duty child safety seat technician.

Dove Hospice Services of New Jersey is seeking volunteers who are willing to make a difference with individuals who are experiencing the challenge of end-of-life.

Dove Hospice Services is looking for individuals who can dedicate a small amount of time each month to provide companionship-friendly visits, life review, play cards, sewing, knitting or craft projects, music enrichment, pet therapy and office or administrative assistance, according to a press release.

Dove Hospice Services is expanding its “We Honor Veterans” program and is seeking motivated veterans who are interested in providing compassion, support and outreach to fellow veterans and their families.

Visits can be made to individuals living in facilities or private homes. Ongoing training is provided. Volunteers must be 18 or older and a COVID vaccine is required. For additional information, contact Michelle Rutigliano at 732-405-3035.

Court Appointed Special Advocates of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties (CASA SHaW), which is dedicated to foster children in the region, is seeking applications from individuals in the community to serve on the CASA SHaW Board of Trustees.

Individuals who are interested in applying to become a member of the CASA SHaW Board of Trustees should send their resumes and credentials to CASA SHaW at

CASA SHaW is part of a statewide network of community-based, non-profit programs that recruit, screen, train and supervise volunteers to “Speak Up for a Child” removed from home due to abuse or neglect. CASA is the only program in New Jersey that uses trained volunteers to work one-on-one with children, ensuring that each one gets the services needed and achieves permanency in a safe, nurturing home.

For more information, visit

Hillsborough Township’s Senior Chapters A and B each provide an experience for seniors looking to get out, mingle and experience new things. Trips, theaters, entertainment, card games, speakers, hobbies, talent shows, restaurants, history, and health screenings are some of the activities.

The first and second Thursdays of each month are designated for regular meetings at the municipal building for Chapter A and Chapter B, respectively. 

Any Hillsborough senior age 60 or over who is interested in learning more can contact the Social Services Department at 908-369-3880.

The Monroe Township Jewish War Veterans Post 609 is collecting United States and foreign stamps, both on and off envelopes.

Stamps are used by veterans as a hobby and as therapy at VA medical centers nationwide.

The stamps are not traded or sold; they are forwarded to veteran patients at no charge.

Also requested are DVDs suitable for veterans at those locations.

Send all items to JWV Post 609, c/o Charles Koppelman, 6 Yarmouth Dr., Monroe Township 08831.

Volunteers are needed to help end domestic violence in Burlington County.

The Domestic Violence Response Team consists of volunteers who work with Providence House, domestic violence services and police departments to help people who experience domestic violence by empowering and advocating for survivors.

Must be 18 years of age or older, a resident or employee of Burlington County, have a valid New Jersey driver’s license and access to transportation, and no criminal history.

For more information, call 856-904-4344 or email

East Windsor residents can volunteer for appointment to various township boards and committees, including the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Local Assistance Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The mayor and council will make appointments at the January reorganization meeting, as well as throughout the year as opportunities arise.

Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the Municipal Clerk or from the township website or send a letter of interest and a resume or information about their background to: Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Blvd., East Windsor 08520; or fax to 609-443-8303.

For an application form or further information, call 609-443-4000, ext. 238.

The U.S. State Department is experiencing longer than usual delays in the processing times of passports.

For those looking to travel and needing to renew their passports, it is advised to begin this process immediately. The current wait times for passport services is 10 weeks for expedited services and up to 14 weeks from the time of submission for a regular application. This delay is likely due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information regarding passports, visit the Mercer County Clerk’s website at or call the clerk’s passport office at 609-989-6473; for Spanish, call 609-989-6131 or 609-989-6122.

Appointments at the Mercer County Connection, located at 957 Route 33, Hamilton, are available weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To schedule an appointment at the Mercer County Connection, call 609-890-9800.

All customers must have applications filled out, money orders and checks along with documentation and copies prior to appointment. Delays in appointment availability may be experienced due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Mercer County’s Swift911 system notifies the public in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information via phone, text or email.  

All calls will have the caller ID of “Mercer County Alert.”

Personal information will not be provided to any outside agencies or companies.

To sign up, visit

For assistance with registration, email

Mercer County posts regarding emergency closures are available at and 

Central Jersey Chapter 148 of the Korean War Veterans extend an invitation to any veterans, regardless of the branch of service, who served during the Korean War from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953, in any location, including Europe; or who have served in Korea from July 27, 1953, to the current date.

Other veterans may join as associate members.

The group meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of every month, from May to December, at the Monroe Township Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, in the court room.

Requirements for membership include paying dues of $25 to the Korean War Veterans Association and $10 to the chapter per year.

Korean War Veterans National LIFE membership is available for those 80 and older, and is $75.

The chapter is involved in various functions during the year, including fundraising to help veterans at the New Jersey State Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park, the Lyons campus of the VA New Jersey Health Care System, and the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home at Vineland.

For more information, contact Charlie Koppelman at 609-655-3111 or

The Burlington County Lyceum of History and Natural Sciences is turning into a wedding venue.

Burlington County Clerk Joanne Schwartz will begin performing weddings every Wednesday afternoon from 1-4 p.m. by appointment only, in the historic and picturesque Lyceum building on High Street in Mount Holly.

Burlington County couples interested in being married can make appointments online at

There is no fee for the service, but couples must obtain a marriage license from the municipality where either the bride or groom resides or from Mount Holly, where the Lyceum is located. Obtaining a license typically takes 72 hours.

For more information, call the Clerk’s Office at 609-265-5142.



Bentley Community Services, a designated 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, has been helping working families in financial crisis regain self-sufficiency by providing a full range of grocery provisions and more each week, offsetting grocery bills.

Bentley also offers educational and informational workshops throughout the year facilitated by professionals.

Bentley Community Services is located at 4064 Route 1 north, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick, but helps families in communities from the entire central New Jersey region, including Mercer, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset and Monmouth counties.

For more information, call 908-227-0684 or visit

Donations of perishable, non-perishable foods and toiletries are accepted throughout the year.


Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick has launched the Substance Abuse and Addiction Loss Support Group for families who are coping with loss due to addiction.

The free and confidential support group meets virtually on the second Thursday of every month from 7-8:30 p.m.

Inspired by Saint Peter’s Opioid Task Force, the Substance Abuse and Addiction Loss Support Group is for families and close loved ones of people who have passed away from addiction.

The support group is open to everyone in New Jersey and serves as a safe space for families to discuss their grief.

To join the Substance Abuse and Addiction Loss Support Group, call Jeanne Delacruz, a social worker at Saint Peter’s who facilitates the support group, at 732-745-8522 or email

The Anshe Emeth Community Development Corp (AECDC) Central Jersey Diaper Bank is collecting baby clothing sizes newborn-2T, diapers and books.
Donations can be picked up if within Middlesex County. Volunteers from the Rutgers School of Nursing will arrive between 10 a.m. and noon on the day indicated.
At this time, no shoes, equipment, toys, etc. can be collected.

NAMI In Our Own Voice (NAMI En Nuestra Propia Voz) is a program by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) New Jersey chapter geared toward community education and reducing the stigma of mental health, as trained volunteers share their lived experience of mental health recovery.

To schedule a presentation at a school, PTA meeting, congregation, town hall, support group or professional training, email

Presentations are available in English and Spanish.

Central Jersey SCORE, a non-profit resource partner of the Small Business Administration, is looking for volunteers to assist people looking to start a business or grow an existing small business.

The organization is recruiting business owners and executives, both current and retired, who want to share their experience and knowledge with today’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

The Central Jersey Chapter of SCORE serves Middlesex, Somerset and Hunterdon counties.

Central Jersey SCORE provides in-person mentoring and webinars, both offered virtually in line with current pandemic restrictions. In addition, the SCORE website offers tools and templates on a wide variety of topics and numerous online courses and webinars to assist small business owners through every aspect of business development and management. Services are offered free of charge.

Anyone interested in volunteering with SCORE or seeking additional information should email

The Mercer County Solidarity Network (MCSN) is a new mutual aid group designed to connect people in need throughout Mercer County with people who can help meet those needs.

The group is looking for individuals, families and businesses who would like to donate their time, resources or goods/services with people who have been affected by the pandemic and who request support. There is no minimum obligation – donors can specify whatever they feel they can provide and the group will match donors with individuals who have expressed a related need.

To sign up as a donor, visit or email

Send items to The deadline for submissions each week is 5 p.m. on Tuesday. For details, call 732-358-5200, ext. 8233.

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