Common calendar, Packet papers, May 13


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The Burlington County Farmers Market enters its 16th season, held from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday from May through October at the Burlington County Agricultural Center on Centerton Road in Moorestown.

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Live music, food, handcrafted goods, cooking classes and Jersey fresh farm produce can be found from more than 20 farms, two dozen food vendors and multiple artists and crafters. Some participants include 1895 Organic Farm, Pinelands Produce, Durr’s Blue Box, the Soup Bar and Hoop House Bakery, Black Sheep Farm, Sparrow Lake Farm and Truly Seasoned.

Craft beer and liquor sales are back after debuting last season. Marlton-based Zed’s Beer and Columbus-based Recklesstown Farm Distillery, plus Burlington City’s Third State Brewery and Cherry Hill’s Forgotten Boardwalk Brewery are on tap. Alcohol sales will be for off-site consumption, though overage adults will be permitted to try a limited number of samples.



East Windsor community and school youth and adult groups can participate in the township’s 2022 Adopt-A-Spot program. Under the program, participating groups “adopt” one of the public properties identified by the committee and keep it clean during the year.  A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been “adopted by” with the name of the group. 

The groups are expected to perform cleanups three times a month through Nov. 30.

To participate, interested groups should mail or fax a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Mironov, 16 Lanning Blvd., East Windsor 08520.



Hillsborough PBA Local 205 will hold its 47th annual golf outing on Sept. 9 at Royce Brook Golf Club, 201 Hamilton Road, Hillsborough.

Includes continental breakfast, door prizes, driving range, 18 holes of golf with cart, beverages on the course, lunch, and buffet after golf.

Registration begins at 7 a.m. along with breakfast. Shotgun start at 9 a.m.

Prizes will be awarded.

There are sponsorship packages available.

Individual golfer is $200. Golf foursome is $800. Dinner only option is $65 per person.

Make checks payable to Hillsborough PBA Local 205.

RSVP by Aug 31. Email or call 908-303-2859.




The Mercer County Nutrition Program for Older Adults will resume in-person lunches at nine of its locations after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic.

The Nutrition Program for Older Adults provides a daily nutritionally balanced meal Monday through Friday, except for county and/or municipal holidays.

All meals meet the required one-third of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) daily referenced intake of nutrients for an individual 60 years or older.

Meals are available to Mercer County residents age 60 or older and their spouses (regardless of age), any county resident with a disability whose primary caregiver is a program participant, anyone volunteering in the program, and the personal care aides of program participants when they accompany a participant to the site where the meals are provided.

In-person services will be hosted at: Jennye Stubblefield Senior Center and Sam Naples Community Center in Trenton, Lawrence Township Senior Center, Princeton Café for Older Adults, John O. Wilson Neighborhood Service Center in Hamilton, Hamilton Senior Center, Hopewell Valley Senior Center, Hollowbrook Community Center in Ewing, and Robbinsville Senior Center.

Most meal services begin at 11:30 a.m., although times may vary by location, so call 609-989-6650 or inquire at a local site.

No payment is required for a meal; however, there is a suggested donation of $1 for each meal provided.

Reservations are required; call 609-989-6650 to reserve a spot.

Monthly menus can be found on the Nutrition Program for Older Adults web page.

If transportation is a barrier to participating in the congregate meals, Mercer County TRADE may be able to help; call 609-530-1971 or email Some of the sites also may have transportation options for its participants.

There may be home-delivered options.

The South Ward Senior Center and North 25 Terminal/Reading Senior Center in Trenton will remain closed due to ongoing construction, and no service will be provided at this time. Additionally, the East Windsor Senior Center is under construction, but will continue to provide grab-and-go and home-delivered services.

For more information, call 609-989-6650 or email



The Bordentown Historical Society announced the reopening of the Bordentown Friends Meetinghouse Museum and grand opening of the new Joseph Bonaparte exhibit.

The launch of the exhibit marks the first public opening of the meetinghouse in more than two years.

The meetinghouse will be open twice a month for visitation, in addition to special events throughout 2022 to educate the public on Bonaparte, the former King of Naples and Spain and, perhaps, Bordentown’s most famous one-time resident.

The first exhibit to grace the space will feature Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, the eldest brother of and advisor to Napoleon Bonaparte. Co-incident with the recent preservation of the former Point Breeze property once owned by Joseph Bonaparte in Bordentown, the BHS has assembled an exhibit and will present a series of events to explore this famous resident’s impact on America and Bordentown. There will be letters and memorabilia on hand, and experts will offer narratives on the furniture that came from the mansion on display at the Friends meetinghouse, an archaeologist’s perspective of life on the property, a review of artworks that were on display in Joseph’s mansions, and more.

Additional details will be announced in the coming months.

The Friends Meetinghouse Museum reopening and grand opening of the Joseph Bonaparte Exhibit is scheduled for May 1 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 302 Farnsworth Ave., Bordentown.

For more information, visit


The Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Somerset County’s 4-H Summer Camp Program, TOPS (Totally Outrageous Program for Summer), will take place June 27 to July 1.

TOPS Camp includes outdoor activities, educational workshops and experiments with science. Experience opportunities like woodworking, arts, theater, nature, animals, geology, Olympics, water fun, games, a field trip, guest speakers, dancing, cooking, tie-dying, leadership and bonding.

Registration forms can be found at

Forms are due before June 1. Space is limited.

To learn more about Somerset County 4-H, visit







Throughout May

The Princeton Senior Resource Center has planned the following in-person and virtual events and programs:

• Spirits 101 Class and Tasting, 4 p.m. May 18 with Sourland Mountain Distillery, but held at PSRC, 101 Poor Farm Road, Princeton. Learn the history of the family-run award-winning craft distillery. Take a video tour of the facility, and learn how gin, rum and vodka are made. Includes tastings. Cost is $50. Register at

• Pride in Context: How to be an LGBTQIA+ Ally in the History of Pride, 10 a.m. May 18 via Zoom. Increase your knowledge of LGBTQIA+ Pride, examine American history of LGBTQIA+ Pride and its relationship to oppression and advocacy, and explore ways to support LGBTQIA+ people as a straight or cis-gender ally. Registration required at No cost to attend.

• Documentary screening of “An Unknown Country: The Jewish Exiles of Ecuador” with Director Eva Zelig, 2-4 p.m. May 23, in person at PRSC on Poor Farm Road. This documentary tells the story of European Jews who escaped Nazi persecution to find refuge in Ecuador, a country barely known at the time. The film follows the exiles’ escape and adjustment as they remade their lives in what was for them an unfamiliar land. Running time: 1 hour, 33 minutes, followed by a Q&A with the director. Registration required at No cost to attend.

• How Did We Get Here? Personal development workshop, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 25, in person at PSRC on Poor Farm Road. This interactive workshop is designed to get participants to reflect on who we have become and the lives we are living over the past few years. Includes a catered lunch. Space is limited to 20 with a minimum of eight. Cost is $20. Register at

• FYI Seminar, “R.A.D. Senior Personal Safety Introduction,” 3 p.m. May 17 in person at PSRC’s Poor Farm Road location. R.A.D. for seniors is a nationally recognized program aimed at improving personal safety for older adults. This session will offer personal safety and awareness tips and strategies and will include a basic self-defense component. Dress in comfortable clothes and sneakers. Registration required at No fee to attend.

• FYI Seminar, “Plan Ahead and Rest in Peace,” 3 p.m. May 24 in person at PSRC and virtually. Join Laurie Powsner for a presentation about the funeral industry while gaining practical advice from an unbiased source. Learn how to save money and how to choose a funeral home. Registration required at No fee to attend.

PSRC also offers a variety of TED Talks, limited series programs, technology workshops, library reads, music, personal development workshops, retirement programs, enrichment programs, arts and crafts, fitness and exercise, and technology assistance.

Senior scholarships are available to assist members with their participation. To request a program scholarship, visit

For detailed program information and registration, visit


The Gourgaud Gallery in Cranbury will host a show of original artwork by Thelma Freid during May.
She experiments with found objects such as corrugated cardboard, rust, bottle caps, etc. She uses textures, patterns and the interplay of light, as well as making discarded material into art media.
The show will feature original, framed pieces of various subjects and sizes. Most pieces will be for sale, with 20% of all sales benefiting the Cranbury Arts Council.
The gallery is located on the first floor of Cranbury Town Hall, 23 N. Main St.














Friday, May 13

Burlington County’s First Juried Short Film Festival will be held May 13 at 6 p.m. each evening in the Burlington County Library Auditorium, 5 Pioneer Blvd., Westampton.

The two-day festival will feature works from broad categories like fiction (narrative film), non-fiction (documentary), avant-garde (experimental) and animation. There will also be a special “Parks” category reserved for films about Burlington County Parks or shot in and around the parks or with a nature theme.

Judging is expected to be completed by the middle of April and an announcement of the winners is anticipated in early May. The winners will be screened at the festival, which is being funded with a grant from the New Jersey Council on the Arts.



Through Friday, May 13

Mercer County Community College’s (MCCC’s) James Kerney Campus Gallery (JKCG) will present its next photography exhibit “Being and There” April 11 through May 13, a traveling exhibit featuring the work of New York-based photographer Joseph Lawton.  

“Being and There” features early black and white photography from Lawton’s extensive travels circa 1983 to 1994. Learn more about Lawton at  

Gallery hours are 3-7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3-7 p.m. Tuesdays; and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays.

Register your visit at least one day in advance at 

Located at 137 N. Broad St., Trenton, the JKC Gallery is a gallery for photography and lens-based work from international and regional-noted artists. To learn more about shows and registration requirements, including Zoom links, visit


Saturday, May 14

The Master Gardeners of Mercer County will hold a Plant Expo & Garden Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 14 at the Mercer Educational Gardens, 431A Federal City Road, Pennington.

Homegrown perennials, trees and shrubs will be on sale.

There will be a Q&A with Kathryn Homa, Mercer County horticulturalist; and discussions with Rutgers Master Gardeners.

For details, visit



The Princeton Corridor Rotary is holding a food distribution event from 10 a.m. to noon May 14 at the Princeton Forrestal Village, 2 Village Blvd., Princeton.

While supplies last.

Part of End Hunger 3.6, a service project of Rotary International District 7475.



The Somerset County Historical Society, with the Prince Rodgers Foundation Inc., the official stewards of Prince Rodgers Cemetery, will offer a tour of Historic Van Veghten House, 9 Veghten Dr. off of Route 533, Bridgewater, on May 14, between noon and 3 p.m.

This will be followed by a presentation, the story of “The Rescue of an Abandoned Black Cemetery” with Lorayn Allen. She is the founder, historian and CEO/Co-CEO of the Prince Rodgers Foundation Inc.

This will be followed by a caravan of automobiles to tour the Prince Rodgers Cemetery, 520 Foothill Road, Bridgewater.

Admission is $5.

Reservations are required. Email or call 908-218-1281.          


Princeton Boychoir’s fifth anniversary season will culminate with a gala concert, “Brothers, Sing On!” on May 14. Audiences will hear selections from all three choirs that make up the region’s premier training and performance choir for boys. 

The highlight of the evening will be the world premiere of a newly commissioned choral work by internationally renowned conductor and composer Rollo Dilworth. A new arrangement of the spiritual “Ev’rything’s Gonna Be Alright,” the piece captures the feelings of hope the choir feels moving forward out of the pandemic and into the future.

Tickets are available at





The inaugural Princeton Makes Chalk Festival will take place from noon to 4 p.m. May 14 outside the Princeton Makes store in the Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison St.

The Chalk Festival will feature local middle and high school students making large chalk drawings in the courtyard. These drawings will be either reproductions or original art of the students. There will also be a chalk area specifically for younger children who want to create their own works.

Additional information is available at, and everyone is invited to follow Princeton Makes on Facebook and Instagram.  


Join the Arts Council of Princeton (ACP) for The ACP Bowl Project on May 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and purchase one-of-a-kind handmade bowls. Artists in the ACP Ceramic Studio have created unique ceramic bowls, available for $30 each. All proceeds benefit ACP, helping to support year-round outreach programs and community events.

The first 50 buyers will receive a voucher for a free scoop of ice cream from the bent spoon. Bowls are first-come, first-served while supplies last.

This outdoor sale will take place on the Arts Council of Princeton’s terrace at 102 Witherspoon St., Princeton.

For more information, visit






Sunday, May 15

Burlington County will hold a paper shredding event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or until the truck is full, on May 15, rain or shine, at the Burlington County Resource Recovery Complex, 22000 Burlington-Columbus Road, Florence.

Open to Burlington County residents only. ID required.

Visitors must remain in their cars.

Paper must be placed in the trunk, cargo area or truck bed, and be easily accessibly to staff who will remove it from the vehicle.

Limit of four bags or boxes of paper weighing no more than 10 pounds each.

Do not bring magazines or junk mail.

This is not open to businesses or non-profits.

For more information, call 609-499-1001, ext. 271 or 266, or email


Sharim v’Sharot, People of Song, will be held at 3 p.m. May 15 at Adath Israel Congregation, 1958 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville.

Conducted by Music Director Dr. Elayne R. Grossman.

Tickets are $15 online by May 13 at; or $20 at the door.



Princeton Yoga Community Center will host Ukraine Support Day from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. May 15 at the center, 88 Orchard Road, Skillman.

Indoor and outdoor healing events include yoga, tai chi, qigong, demonstrations, sample classes, a sound bath, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Seva stress release, chiropractic, reiki, massage, acupressure treatments, guided meditation, music performances, all faiths peace prayer ceremony, drum circle, meal prayer, food, games, and more.

One hundred percent of donations will go to Ukraine; all food, services and raffle items have been donated.

Vaccination verification must be shown for inside activities.


Prospective members can visit The Jewish Center Princeton for an open house at 10 a.m. May 15, located at 435 Nassau St., Princeton.

Learn about the center, tour the facility, meet the rabbi, enjoy refreshments and join members for the Exploratory Trail Dedication.

The Jewish Center welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds. The community includes children, parents, singles, grandparents and friends. They embrace Jews by choice, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals. They provide a home for teens, families, singles, empty nesters and seniors.

At 11 a.m., join in on an exploratory trail dedication. Begin at the end of the parking lot to walk through a new nature trail.

Then, at 1:30 p.m., join a discussion on the Jews of Uganda virtually via Zoom with Dr. David Breakstone, former deputy chairman of the Executive of the Jewish agency for Israel. Free for center members and students, or $10 for non-members. RSVP at

For more information, email, call 609-921-0100 or visit





Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks, and JewBelong, will hold a Jewish American Heritage Festival from 2-5 p.m. May 15 in Princeton’s Palmer Square, featuring Kosher food trucks and musical performances by the Maccabeats and Princeton University’s Jewish a cappella group Koleinu.

Comparing Country Houses: A Downton Abbey Tour will be held from 2:30-4 p.m. May 15 at the Wallace House & Old Dutch Parsonage State Historic Sites, 71 Somerset St., Somerville.

War and work, family and faith, and the daily duties and delights of domestic life unite the historic houses of King George III’s New Jersey preserved at Wallace House & Old Dutch Parsonage with the country estates of King George V’s England fictionalized at Downton Abbey.

This tour of Wallace House & Old Dutch Parsonage uses Downton Abbey as the touchstone to explore the historical themes that unite country houses across the Atlantic and across the ages.

For tickets, visit or


Sunday, May 15 to Sunday, May 22

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton, will display soil that was collected from the site of the lynching of Samuel “Mingo” Jack Johnson in 1886.

The collection will be on view from May 15-22 during Sunday worship hours of 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Johnson was an African American resident of Eatontown who was murdered on March 5, 1886, after being arrested on unsubstantiated charges of raping a White woman. He was dragged by a local mob from his cell and brutally beaten and hanged to death. This was the only known lynching in New Jersey.

“Bearing Witness” is a table-top display with an engraved soil jar, accompanied with literature and handouts.

The exhibit is at no cost to the host organization.

A vessel of soil will be housed permanently at the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center, located in Red Bank, in time for Juneteenth.

To become a site location for Bearing Witness, email

The Racial Justice Ministry at UUCP works both within the congregation and with community partners to eliminate racism and can be reached at




Through Monday, May 16

The Burlington County Women’s Advisory Council will once again honor the outstanding contributions and leadership of women in the local community, including those who served in the armed forces and in social services.

Nominations for the 2022 Outstanding Women of Burlington County Awards will be accepted through May 16.

The council is looking for women who have made significant contributions in their chosen field and who have demonstrated their support of women in the community. They may have acted as mentors, role models or advocates for other women.

To be eligible for an award, nominees must live or work in Burlington County for at least the past year. 

The 2022 awards will feature new categories recognizing women veterans or military service members and social service leaders. The corporate leadership award has also been expanded to business leadership no matter the size of the company.

The other categories are community service and volunteerism, diversity/inclusion, education/mentorship, first responder, government, health care and law/law enforcement.

The council is accepting nominations to recognize and present $1,000 scholarships to three outstanding 12th grade female students in Burlington County. The scholarships will include the Alice Paul Champion Award, the Celeste Arties Memorial Award and the Elizabeth Coleman White STEM Award.

Guidelines and nomination forms can be obtained by visiting For any questions, or to submit nomination forms, email

Winners will be announced later in the year.

To view a list of the 2021 Award Honorees, visit

For more information follow the council on Facebook at @BurlingtonCountyWomen or visit





Through Tuesday, May 17

Middlesex County’s photography contest, Picture Middlesex County, runs through May 17, and is open to all New Jersey residents.

From photos of landscapes to closeups of plants, insects, birds and other wildlife, there are many photograph opportunities in Middlesex County.

The photo contest is open to all amateur and professional photographers, youth to adult. Ages 17 and under require parent/guardian consent on the entry form.

Photos must be taken within Middlesex County within the timeframe of the contest.

Individuals may submit up to two photos per category.

Contest Categories:

  • Arts and History: Historic sites, landmarks, public art, festivals, etc.
  • Cityscapes: Buildings, architecture, skylines, etc.
  • Landscapes: Parks, gardens, waterfront, farms, sunrise, sunset, etc.
  • Lifestyle: People, community, photos that showcase life in Middlesex County
  • Nature/Wildlife: Foliage, animals, etc.
  • Transportation: Planes, railroad/trains, vehicles, boats, roadways, interstates, bicycles, etc.

After the contest, all submissions will be displayed on Middlesex County’s Facebook page, where people will vote for their favorite photo by “liking” the picture. The 10-day voting period will be from May 20–30. This will determine the “People’s Choice Award” winners.

A judging committee will anonymously judge all the photos to determine the contest’s overall winner. Winning photos may be publicly displayed at a future county event.

For full contest rules and more information, visit


Tuesday, May 17

20th Century Black Scientific Renaissance at Bell Labs will be discussed at 6 p.m. May 17 at Morven Museum & Garden, 55 Stockton St., Princeton.
From the 1970s to 1990s, Bell Labs was the site of extraordinary achievement by Black scientists. Spend an evening discovering the personal stories of some of Bell Labs’ most outstanding scientists, researchers and mathematicians.
Clyde Bethea, Marian Croak, William Massey and James West will share stories of their years at Bell Labs, outstanding achievements, as well as impressive records of mentoring under-represented students to achieve greatness in scientific and technological careers.
The museum will be open to see the exhibition and meet the curators from 5-6:15 p.m.
Doors open in the Stockton Education Center at Morven for the in-person event at 6:00 p.m. with light refreshments available.
Q&A for both live and virtual attendees follows the lecture.
A Zoom link will be shared on the day of the program.
Cost: $20 in-person general admission, $15 in-person Morven members, $10 virtual general admission, and $5 virtual Morven members.

Wednesday, May 18

An online auction of surplus property from Somerset County will close at 7 p.m. May 18. The mix of items to be sold includes cars and other vehicles, lawn and garden equipment, automotive parts, office equipment and more.

A list of auction items, along with terms and conditions of sale, is available at Photos of items will be posted at

All property will be sold as-is, where-is. Inspection is strongly recommended. Items may be inspected from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 13 and 14 at the South County Public Works Facility, 410 Roycefield Road, Hillsborough.

There is a buyer’s premium of 10%; however, there are no registration fees charged by the auction company. Visit for details.

Payment is due within 24 hours of notification.

Items purchased must be removed by 2 p.m. on June 3. The buyer is responsible for all loading and transporting of property.

For more information, contact Janice Artfitch, Somerset County Purchasing Division, at 908-231-7043 or



May 18 to June 20

Special events May 20, June 4, June 17

In partnership with the New Jersey Council for the Humanities (NJCH)Mercer County Community College (MCCC) will host “Voices and Votes: Democracy in America,” a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution. The exhibit comes to the gallery at MCCC May 18 to June 20. The gallery is located on the college’s West Windsor Campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road, on the second floor of the Communication building.

“Voices and Votes” examines the nearly 250-year-old American experiment of a government “of, by and for the people,” including the origins of American democracy, the struggles to obtain and keep the vote, the machinery of democracy, the right to petition and protest beyond the ballot, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.  


Presented in six stand-alone sections, the exhibit features historical and contemporary photos; educational and archival video; interactive multimedia activities; and historical objects like campaign souvenirs, voter memorabilia, and protest material.

The MCCC exhibit will include a Mercer County section of artifacts from the Trenton Public Library’s Trentoniana Collection and a photographic survey of Mercer County monuments and murals.   


Gallery hours for the exhibit are Tuesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Closed on May 28 for Memorial Day weekend.)

Dates of note include open hours on MCCC’s Commencement Day, May 20; Future Voters Day on June 4; and A Tribute to John Watson on June 17.

The exhibit is presented free to the public and is appropriate for all age groups, including public schools, youth groups, and new voters.

More about the exhibit and special programs can be found at 


Among other partners in the MCCC project are the New Jersey League of Women Voters and the Citizens Campaign through the Trenton Civic Trustees.   


Group tours may be arranged by appointment. Volunteer opportunities are also available.

For more information, email 



Through Wednesday, May 18

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) Hamilton, an RWJBarnabas Health facility, will hold its sixth annual We vs. C fundraising event, to benefit the Holistic Program at the Cancer Center at RWJUH Hamilton, from 6-9:30 p.m. June 4 at Brick Farm Tavern, 130 Hopewell Rocky Hill Road, Hopewell.

The Bohemian Dream-themed will include interactive guest experiences, live entertainment, cultural rituals and more.

In-person tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis through May 18, and are priced at $175 for a single guest ticket and $325 for a pair of guest tickets. The event offers a range of sponsorship tiers.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit



Thursday, May 19

The Neshanic Garden Club, which consists of members from Hillsborough, Branchburg, Flemington, Skillman, Somerset, Belle Meade and Bridgewater, will host its annual fundraising plant auction May 19 at The Neshanic Station House, 412 Olive St., Neshanic Station. 

The monthly meeting begins promptly at 9:45 a.m. and the auction will begin at 11 a.m. followed by a homecooked lunch prepared by Garden Club members.

Bring several indoor or outdoor plants, including perennials, herbs, bushes and trees.

All are invited. RSVP by emailing Alice Veglatte at or calling 908-334-6584.




Select dates, starting May 20

Newspaper Media Group/Packet Media LLC will host an Employment Weekly job fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 20, Sept. 9 and Nov. 4 at the Cherry Hill Mall, 2000 Route 38, Cherry Hill, in the Nordstrom corridor.

Job seekers can register at

Employers will receive 5% when booking two dates, or 15% off when booking three dates.

Email for vendor opportunities.

For more information, email


Friday, May 20

Howls and Hero Poses, hosted by Doggy Noses & Yoga Poses, will be held from 7-8 p.m. May 20 at the Hillsborough Municipal Complex, 379 S. Branch Road, Hillsborough, on behalf of BoroSafe to benefit Bully Rescue Warriors.

Bring your own mat or towel.

Spectators and attendees’ dogs are not encouraged.

Cost is $37.50 in advance or $45 at the door.

For tickets, visit


The Princeton Folk Music Society presents an evening of finger-style guitar music with Muriel Anderson, a guitarist, harp guitarist and composer who embraces music from all over the world.

This concert will be held at 8 p.m. May 20 at Christ Congregation Church, 50 Walnut Lane, Princeton, and will also be livestreamed on YouTube at

Admission at the door is $25 general, $20 members, $10 students, $5 children. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Free parking.

Masks and proof of vaccination required for entry.

For more information, visit



Saturday, May 21

NAMI Mercer (National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mercer County chapter) is planning its NAMIWalks hybrid walk fundraising event.

Join in person from 1-4 p.m. May 21 at West Lake Park in Robbinsville, or walk any time prior and send pictures and/or post on social media using #Together4MH, #WildAboutMH4All and #NAMIMercer.

This is the largest mental health awareness-raising event in the area and NAMI Mercer’s biggest fundraiser.

Register at

For assistance, email or call 609-799-8994.


The 11th Annual Miki & Friends Open AIR event will be held on May 21 from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at West Windsor Community Park, 271 Clarksville Road.

AIR, or Attitudes in Reverse, is dedicated to educating youth and adults about mental health, related disorders and suicide prevention.



The Harlem Wizards will visit Hillsborough High School on May 21 for an evening of fun and fundraising.

The Wizards will play basketball against a team of Auten Road Intermediate School (ARIS) administrators, staff and teachers playing as the ARIS All Stars.

The event is a fundraiser for Auten Road Intermediate School Home & School Association (ARSHSA).

Tickets to the game are available to the general public and can be purchased online. Tickets start at $15 for children and $20 for adults. There are also three special packages available that will get you special reserved seating close to the court, along with a team poster, and opportunities for player meet and greets.

Tickets may be available on game day at the Hillsborough High School for $24 for adults and $16 children, but since quantities are limited, purchasing tickets in advance is highly recommended.


For Teens By Teens will hold a clothing drive from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 21 at the Lawrence Community Center, 295 Eggerts Crossing Road, Lawrenceville.

The “For Me To You” Project will host a free store event for all ‘tweens to young adults in the Lawrence area. Everything offered will be new or gently used clothing items and accessories donated by members of the community.

Bring reusable bags.

For more information, email or visit Instagram @from_me_to_you_project



ArtWalk 2022 is planned for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 21.

The walk times will be staggered in half-hour increments.

After walking the one-mile route with scavenger hunt, return to the yard at West Windsor Arts, 952 Alexander Road, Princeton Junction, to make art, join a picnic lunch and enjoy music.

For more information and registration, visit



Watch Disney’s “Encanto” during a free outdoor movie night at 8 p.m. May 21 on the lawn behind the parking lot of Slackwood Presbyterian Church, 2020 Brunswick Ave., Lawrenceville.
Bring a chair, blanket or watch from the car.
Snacks will be provided.



Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22

The 43rd annual Bordentown Street Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 21 and 22 on Farnsworth Avenue in Historic Bordentown.

For vendor information, visit

The Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market returns to the Cure Insurance Arena, 81 Hamilton Ave., Trenton, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 21 and 22.

Featuring more than 300 unique small businesses, artists and makers each day, including comic books, original artwork and prints, oddities, taxidermy, horror memorabilia, specialty foods, vintage and original clothing, vinyls/cassettes/CDs, and live music.

Tickets are $15, good for both days. Children under 10 are free.

Vendors will be set up indoors and outdoors.

The first 100 people in line each day will receive a swag bag.

To RSVP, visit

For ticket information, visit

Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22

Monday, May 23 to Wednesday, June 8


The seventh annual Nassau Film Festival will be held May 21–22 at the Princeton Garden Theater, 160 Nassau St., Princeton; and online May 23 to June 8.

Throughout the festival, attendees will be screening over 60 short films in the categories of fiction, documentary, animation, horror, music video, trailers, episodic and student films from local, national and international filmmakers.

For tickets and information, visit

Proceeds from the film festival will benefit the Lisa Goldstein Education Foundation that awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors pursuing college studies in education, math or science. Goldstein was a teacher who taught third grade for 25 years at the Maurice Hawk Elementary School in the West Windsor-Plainsboro school district. 




Through Sunday, May 22

The New Jersey State Museum will present “Posing Beauty in African American Culture,” a touring exhibition, exploring the contested ways in which African and African American beauty have been represented in historical and contemporary contexts. 

Presented in the museum’s main first floor gallery through May 22, the exhibition was organized by the Department of Photography & Imaging at New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, and curated by Deborah Willis, PhD, University Professor and Chair of the Department.

The exhibition is divided into three thematic sections: “Constructing a Pose,” considers the interplay between the historical and the contemporary, between self-representation and imposed representation, and the relationship between subject and photographer. “Body and Image” questions the ways in which contemporary understanding of beauty has been constructed and framed through the body. “Modeling Beauty & Beauty Contests,” invites a reflection upon the ambiguities of beauty, its impact on mass culture and individuals, and how the display of beauty affects the ways in which we see and interpret the world and ourselves.

Artists in the exhibit include, among others, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles “Teenie” Harris, Sheila Pree Bright, Leonard Freed, Jamal Shabazz, Renee Cox, Edwin Rosskam, Hank Willis Thomas, Anthony Barboza, Bruce Davidson, Mickalene Thomas, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Gordon Parks and Wendel A. White. 

The New Jersey State Museum is located at 205 W. State St. in Trenton. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. General admission is free, and donations to the NJ State Museum Foundation accepted. 

All visitors over the age of two are required to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth.

For more information, visit




Tuesday, May 24

The Miracle League of Mercer County will hold a fundraising Beers & Dueling Pianos night from 6-9 p.m. May 24 at Old Hights Brewing Company, 123 W. Ward St., Hightstown, featuring The Flying Ivories.

The cost is $65 per ticket, plus a processing fee. Includes piano show and two beers.

Sponsored by Patuxent Engineering LLC.

For more information, visit


Wednesday, May 25

June 1 to July 31

May is Bicycle Safety Month, and East Windsor will promote a bicycle safety initiative, “Use Your Head,” a bicycle helmet giveaway program, which continues May 25 from 4-7 p.m. at the East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Blvd.

Under this program, East Windsor residents ages 5-16 can receive a bicycle helmet at no cost.

After viewing a brief 5-minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature.

The township then will implement Phase 2 of this bicycle safety initiative from June 1 through July 31, during which Mayor Janice S. Mironov, council members and police officers will distribute form “summonses” to young people, recognizing children wearing helmets and asking them to sign a pledge to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades. 

This step will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes, which will take place on Aug. 2 during National Night Out.




Through June 26

Special event Wednesday, May 25

The Hightstown Cultural Arts Commission, in partnership with the Old Hights Brewing Company, presents Kaleidoscope, a group art exhibition of paintings in a variety of media including oil, acrylic, mixed media, and digital art that highlights a prism of colors found in botanicals, urban areas, landscapes and abstractions.

The artists include Gary Fournier, Spriha Gupta, Marisa Keris, Kathleen Hurley Liao and Phillip McConnell, and is curated by Hightstown Cultural Arts Commissioner Chanika Svetvilas.

The exhibition will be held through June 26.

Kaleidoscope will also feature an artist talk on May 25 at 6 p.m.

The brewery is located at 123 W. Ward St., Hightstown.



Fourth Thursday of the month, through Aug. 25

Princeton Senior Resource Center will hold Pups & Cups in person at PSRC’s 101 Poor Farm Road location the fourth Thursday of every month, from 3-4 p.m., through Aug. 25.

Join an hour of socializing and pet therapy. A certified therapy dog will be available to provide comfort, cuteness, and relaxation, along with the opportunity to socialize and enjoy some hot beverages.

Register at



Through May 27

A Student Art Show by students throughout the Hillsborough School District is on display at the municipal building, 379 S. Branch Road, Hillsborough, through May 27.


D&R Greenway Land Trust’s exhibition “Space to Dream: Nature and Creative Freedom” showcases the relationship between open spaces and artistic expression with three themed galleries: On the Water, Within the City, and In the Wild.

The artwork is on view through May 27 at D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, 1 Preservation Pl., Princeton. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and on Saturday, May 7 from noon to 4 p.m.

Exhibiting artists include Sean Carney, Susan DeConcini, Moss Freedman, Kate Graves, Erica Harney, Ting Ting Hsu, Léni Paquet-Morante, Charles David Viera and Tricia Zimic. 

This exhibit will also feature art from students in the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund’s FUTURO program, which is an inclusive and diverse youth mentoring program for promising first and second-generation immigrant students.

Art sales benefit the mission of D&R Greenway to preserve and care for land and trails that provide the public access to the natural world. Information on the exhibit and other events may be found at





Saturdays and Sundays

May 28 and 29

June 4 and 5

The New Jersey Renaissance Faire announces its 13 season of its outdoor festival set in Medieval times.

The story unfolds at 10 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays, May 28 and 29, and June 4 and 5, and continues through 6 p.m., rain or shine, at Liberty Lake, 1195 Florence-Columbus Road, Bordentown.


The family-friendly festival features a jousting contest, Tournament of Arms, sword fighting, fire breathing, aerialists, comedy, music, and hours of interactive entertainment.

Shop in the eclectic Merchant Village of fine artisans, featuring leather goods, jewelry, costumes and handmade crafts.

Feast on gourmet food, Dragon Legs, Spellbound and Third State craft beers, Valenzano wines, and whiskey tastings with the South Jersey Celtic Society.

Special attractions include Shelli Buttons; musical entertainment from Chaste Treasure, Righteous Blackguards and hammered dulcimer maestro Vince Conaway; and the talents and wit of Paolo Garbanzo, William Shakespeare, and the Lords of Adventure.

COVID restrictions have been lifted. Face masks are optional.

One-day fixed, flex, VIP or season passes are available; children under 5 are free. Parking is free.

This is a dog-friendly event with the purchase of dog ticket.

All tickets are available online or in-person.

For more information, visit



Saturday, May 28

Plans are underway for the Salute to Military Service Breakfast, Memorial Day Parade and Commemoration Program in Hillsborough on May 28.

Guests can register for the breakfast at 7:30 a.m. by calling the Recreation Department or visiting the Parks and Recreation website and following the “Register for Activities” link on the homepage.

The parade begins at 10 a.m., led by Hillsborough Township’s military service personnel.

The Garden of Honor ceremony will immediately follow the parade.

Rain date for the parade and ceremony will be Sunday, May 29.

Hillsborough youth-based organizations and local non-profit charitable organizations are invited to participate in the parade and can register to march by contacting the Recreation Department. No political organizations or associated political organizations are eligible to march with the exception of current elected officials.

All groups are encouraged to provide floats representing their organization.





Through Sunday, May 29

McCarter Theatre Center in Princeton will present “Ride The Cyclone: The Musical,” the first show to be directed by McCarter’s new Artistic Director Sarah Rasmussen, with book, music and lyrics by Brooke Maxwell and Jacob Richmond.

The musical follows the lives of six teenagers from a Canadian chamber choir whose lives are cut short in a freak accident aboard a roller coaster. A mechanical fortune-teller invites each to tell their story of a life interrupted, offering the chance to come to terms with their fates.

“Ride the Cyclone” runs through May 29 in the Roger S. Berlind Theater, 91 University Pl., Princeton.

Run time is 90 minutes, no intermission.

Schedule and ticket information are available at

Masks, proof of COVID vaccination and ID are required at McCarter performances.





Through June 1

The Dr. Esther Wollin Memorial Scholarship Fund offers a scholarship opportunity available to Jewish female students who reside in the Princeton Mercer Bucks community.  

Monies from Dr. Wollin’s estate were designated to grant a college scholarship to eligible Jewish female full-time students who will be or are already attending Rutgers University and raised by their Jewish mother in a single-parent household in the Princeton Mercer Bucks Community.  

Eligibility is based on financial need.

Submission deadline is June 1. 


For more information or to apply, visit, or contact Joyce at 609-987-8100 or 


Thursday, June 2

The Somerset County Business Partnership (SCBP), in cooperation with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset (RWJUH), will hold Somerset County’s BizFest & Wellness Expo from 2-5 p.m. June 2 at TD Bank Ballpark, home of the Somerset Patriots, Bridgewater.


BizFest & Wellness Expo will include more than 70 display tables.



Registration for SCBP member businesses is open. Exhibit space fees are $300 of SCBP members with 25 employee and under; $400 for SCBP members with 26 employees and over; $250 for restaurants.

Admission to BizFest & Wellness Expo will be free of charge.


Sponsorship opportunities for members are available at fees from $500 to $2,500.


To register or for additional information, call 908-218-4300 or register online at




Select dates, as of Thursday, June 2

Mercer County’s Notary Nights will be held on the first Thursday of each month from 3-7:30 p.m. at the Mercer County Connection satellite office, 957 Route 33, Hamilton.

The dates for 2022 are June 2, July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 1, Oct. 6, Nov. 3 and Dec. 1.

Sessions will also be held on business days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily, and from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, at the Mercer County Clerk’s Office, 209 S. Broad St., Trenton.

A mask or face covering must be worn to enter. 

To be sworn in by Mercer County Clerk’s Office staff as a new notary, prospective notaries must apply and have their applications signed by a legislator. If you file your application online it will be sent to your legislator electronically.

After the State of New Jersey processes your application, you will be sent your commission by mail.

You must take your oath of office.

The fee is $15; checks and money order are accepted.

Prospective notaries will also need a photo ID and their certificate on hand to be sworn in.

After July 2022, all notary applications will have to be completed electronically, and an education component will be required for new notaries due to a change in state notary laws.

The Clerk’s Office also has new updated Notary Handbooks, which are available for pickup at the office at 209 S. Broad St. in Trenton.

For more information about notaries public and for updates on office openings and closings in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, visit, or call the office’s main number at 609-989-6465.




Friday, June 3 to Sunday, June 5

Westfield Senior High School Class of 1976 will hold its reunion weekend June 3-5.

The reunion will kick off on June 3 at 6:30 p.m. with a casual get-together at Crossroads in Garwood.

On June 4, join classmates at the Shady Rest at Scotch Hills Country Club for an event featuring a buffet, beer and wine and music.

Registration can be found at

A website is available with more detailed information, including hotel and travel information.

For more information, contact either Ruth Liebesman at or Jim Bivona at




June 4 through July 2

Special event Saturday, June 4

The Arts Council of Princeton (ACP) announces Interwoven Stories: The Final Chapter, the return of the community stitching project created by artist/activist Diana Weymar.

Weymar facilitated Interwoven Stories as the Arts Council’s 2016 Artist-in-Residence, creating a dialogue within the Princeton community. Each stitcher received a blank fabric page to tell a story through their memories, honor beloved family or friends, or return home to a favorite place through needle and thread.

Ultimately, more than 100 completed pages were donated to Interwoven Stories 2016 and displayed in the Arts Council’s Taplin Gallery to mark the culmination of her residency.

In 2018, the project was expanded and dubbed Interwoven Stories International, the result of Weymar taking the project on the road for two years to curate more than 250 pieces collected from the original Princeton project, plus pages from The Peddie School, the Nantucket Stitching Gam, the Zen Hospice Project (San Francisco), Open Space Art (Damascus, Syria), Build Peace (Columbia), the University of Puget Sound (Tacoma), Yarns/NoDominion Theater (Jersey City), and Trans Tipping Point Project (Victoria, BC).

This 2022 iteration is an opportunity for past participants to revisit their previous works and invite new stitchers to get involved.

Interwoven Stories: The Final Chapter has gone national, culminating in an exhibition on view in the ACP Taplin Gallery from June 4 through July 2.

Local resident and past Interwoven Stories participant Kyle Burkhardt joins the Interwoven Stories team as community liaison, organizing behind-the-scenes and leading stitching workshops for those who need help or just want to stitch with others.

Weymar will return for select workshops and the opening reception, scheduled for June 4.

Blank fabric pages are available for local pickup or domestic shipping for a donation of $15 or $20, respectively.

Participants are also welcome to sew their own page by following a video tutorial available on the Arts Council’s website.

Registration is required. Visit


Sunday, June 5

Join at Monroe 33 Tennis, Basketball and Sports Center for their Kids Expo on June 5 from noon to 4 p.m.

Expect fun, games and more from vendors for kids and parents. 

More information on vendors and activities coming soon.

This event is free, but pre-registration is requested for all attendees. Pre-register at

For vendor opportunities, email



June 5 to Sept. 18

The nonprofit Friends for the Abbott Marshlands will present Voices for the Marsh, its 2022 biennial, 10th Juried Photography Exhibit, from June 5 to Sept. 18 at the Tulpehaking Nature Center’s galleries at 157 Westcott Ave., Hamilton.

It is juried by Al Horner of New Jersey Pinelands photographic fame, and Pat Coleman, naturalist and president of the Friends.

The show provides an opportunity for both fine art photographers and local hobbyists to capture the cultural and ecological richness of the marshlands and participate in the Friends’ efforts to build awareness and support for the protection and stewardship of the marshlands.

The Abbott Marshlands are a critical natural and cultural resource located in central New Jersey along the Delaware River between Trenton and Bordentown, including Hamilton. Its 3,000 acres of open space include the northernmost freshwater tidal marsh on the Delaware River and surrounding lowland and upland forests.

The Tulpehaking Nature Center provides educational resources, answers to questions for the public and bathrooms. There are free weekly and monthly group walks with registration at rotating locations between: Watson Woods, Spring Lake at Roebling Park, Northern Community Park, Bordentown Bluffs with Crosswicks Creek Water Trail, and D&R Canal State Park between Bordentown and Trenton. Another location will be added soon in Point Breeze State Park, the historic former estate of Joseph Bonaparte, and most recently, the Divine Word Missionary.

For more information, visit




Select dates, beginning Monday, June 6

New Jersey’s 16th District legislators Sen. Andrew Zwicker, Assemblyman Roy Freiman and Assemblywoman Sadaf Jaffer will host Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) mobile unit events, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 6, July 27 and Oct. 6 at 530 Willow Road, Hillsborough; and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 24 and Sept. 26 at 1 Monument Dr., Princeton.

The mobile units will provide the following services:

Driver’s Licenses: Renew the license, obtain a duplicate license, change name or address on license, add a boat endorsement, add a veteran designation, register to vote and/or make organ donation selections.

Non-Driver Identification Cards: Photo identification that may then serve as a primary or secondary form of personal ID.

Registrations: Renew registration or obtain a duplicate registration card.

REAL ID: Available if license or ID card is expiring within the next 6 months. For REAL ID, please arrive no later than noon.

License Plates: Surrender license plates.

Placards:  Persons with a Disability, Purple Heart, or Disabled Veteran can obtain a placard.

Examination Permits: Apply for an examination permit to take a written knowledge test. The written test itself is not available.

Registration is required. For instructions, email attn: Pam Hersh. Individuals with no access to email should call 732-823-1684.

After contacting Hersh, the resident will be sent a link to a form that will be filled out and submitted. If the event is at capacity, the resident will be notified and instructed to try for one of the other upcoming events.



June 10 to 25

The Princeton Symphony Orchestra (PSO) announced that tickets are available for the 18th Princeton Festival, planned for June 10-25, by phone at 609-497-0020 and online at

This year’s festival will include three staged operas, chamber music, orchestral and pops concerts, plus cabaret and jazz nights all taking place under the festival’s outdoor performance tent being erected on the grounds of Morven Museum & Garden at 55 Stockton St., Princeton.

Baroque concerts can be enjoyed across the way at Trinity Episcopal Church.

The new artistic head of the Princeton Festival responsible for its creative programming is Princeton Symphony Orchestra’s Edward T. Cone Music Director Rossen Milanov.

All performances start at 7 p.m. with the exception of the opening night concert, which begins at 7:30 p.m.

Here is a comprehensive listing of ticketed performances:

Fri., June 10 – Opening Night: “Seven Deadly Sins” starring Storm Large. Kurt Weill’s sensual “The Seven Deadly Sins” explores age-old temptations in modern context on a program with Rodion Shchedrin’s “Carmen Suite.”

June 11, 12 and 18: Derrick Wang’s opera “Scalia/Ginsburg” and W.A. Mozart’s “The Impresario” – a thought-provoking, yet comedic double bill.

June 13: “What Makes it Great?”: “Death and the Maiden” with Ron Kapilow and the Signum Quartet. An exploration of Franz Schubert’s String Quartet in D Minor led by one of radio’s favorite musicologists.

June 14: “Schubert’s Late String Quartets” featuring the Signum Quartet. Schubert’s “Rosamunde” quartet and the String Quartet in G Major display the composer’s mastery of the form.

June 15: “Stephen Sondheim Tribute” Cabaret-style entertainment with Broadway vocalists Alyssa Giannetti and Jason Forbach.

June 16: “The Sebastians” New York City-based Baroque ensemble with a youthful vibe.

June 17 and 19: “Albert Herring” comic opera by Benjamin Britten about a young man who is declared May King when no virtuous maidens are to be found.

June 21: “Time for Three.” This string trio defies conventional boundaries, fusing their instruments with their voices as they perform Americana, modern pop, and classical music.

June 22: Aaron Diehl Trio. Pianist, composer and Juilliard grad Aaron Diehl leads his trio in a performance of works from the early jazz tradition.

June 23: Festival Chorus with the Sebastians. The Festival Chorus performs some of the most intricate and expressive music of the Baroque period.

June 24. Broadway POPS! starring Sierra Boggess.

June 25: Family POPS! with Rossen Milanov and the Princeton Symphony Orchestra. A fun mix of familiar classics, movie music and pop melodies at this family-friendly concert.

Beyond these performances, plans are underway for multiple ancillary events such as public lectures relating to works being performed and a poetry workshop and readings. These events will be free and open to the public.

Individual tickets range from $10 to $130; ticket packages are $18 and up.

Check the PSO’s Princeton Festival website for ticketing and event details at



Saturday, June 11


The Bordentown Township Green Fair is scheduled for June 11.

Consider donating bicycles to families in need.



The Mercer County Community College (MCCC) Athletics Department and MCCC Foundation will host the college’s second annual Athletics Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony from 6-9 p.m. June 11 at Cobblestone Creek Country Club in Lawrenceville.

All proceeds will go to scholarships for current student-athletes and the improvement of the college’s athletic facilities. 

The Hall of Fame Class of 2022 includes three Vikings national championship teams: 1968 men’s soccer, 1974 men’s basketball, and 2000 women’s tennis.

Nine individuals will also be inducted: Dan Gakeler (Baseball), Carole Gibilisco (Athletics Administrative Assistant), Diane Rose Kelly (Soccer and Softball), David Leckie (Soccer), Peter Lindauer (Soccer), Jennifer Lopresti Such (Softball), Robert Marchetti (Track and Field), Robert (“Bobby”) Sands (Basketball), and Mary Smith-Jones (Basketball).  

Individual tickets are $100 per adult and $50 per child age 12 and under. Tickets include live music, dinner, complimentary beer and wine, and the awards ceremony. 

Community members may show their support by becoming an event sponsor or placing an ad in the ceremony booklet. All sponsors will be recognized at the event, in MCCC’s 2022 Annual Report, and on the MCCC Athletics Hall of Fame website. 

For more information about MCCC’s Hall of Fame event and to learn about sponsorship opportunities, visit, email or call 609-570-3607. 



The 10th annual Cultural Festival & Food Truck Rally will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 11 at Mercer County Park on the festival grounds, West Windsor.

Rain or shine.





Through June 15

Community college students who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) careers and pursuing their studies at a four-year university can get a head start at Rider University through participation in its STEM Summer Institute.

Held in two sessions — July 7-10 and Aug. 4-7 — the residential program includes hands-on laboratory experiences, field work and research opportunities. There is no cost to attend the program and all meals are covered as part of the experience.

Participants will become familiarized with Rider’s STEM curriculum and receive personalized guidance on a variety of scholarship opportunities and financial aid.

Those who complete the program will also receive an additional $2,000 scholarship to Rider, renewable for up to three years.

During the program, participants will live in a residence hall on Rider’s campus in Lawrenceville alongside current Rider STEM students who will serve as their mentors. They will also work directly with Rider faculty during on-campus sessions and field trips.

The STEM Summer Institute is limited to 20 potential community college transfers per session.

June 15 is the final deadline to apply.

For more information about the STEM Summer Institute, including how to apply, visit Questions may also be directed to Associate Professor of Chemistry Danielle Jacobs, Ph.D., at or 609-895-5667.



The Somerset County Library System of New Jersey (SCLSNJ) will host a virtual program with author Mike Scardino on June 16 from 7-8 p.m.

Scardino is the author of “Bad Call: A Summer Job on a New York Ambulance,” a collection of unforgettable recollections and stories taking place from 1967 through 1971.

Register to attend this virtual author event at







Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19

The Redhawks Native American Arts Council will hold its Native American Heritage Celebration June 18 and 19 at the Middlesex County Fairgrounds, 655 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick.

Redhawk Council produces the largest heritage celebrations in the Northeast which include over 1,000 Native American artists, performers, and educators.

Buy tickets at



Monday, June 20

The Vince Lipani Memorial Golf Outing will be held at the Royce Brook Golf Club, 201 Hamilton Road, Hillsborough, beginning with an 11 a.m. registration, 1 p.m. shotgun start, followed by a 6 p.m. dinner.  Fees begin at $100 for dinner only; and for both golf and dinner $225 per individual golfer and $900 for a foursome.

A range of sponsorships are available ranging from $125 to $1,200.

Proceeds from the golf outing will be used by the Rotary Club of Hillsborough Foundation to support an annual scholarship, named in Mr. Lipani’s honor, for a graduating Hillsborough High School student pursuing a post-secondary education.

Lipani is a former Rotarian and founder of Central Jersey Nursery who passed away in July 2021 at age 81.

Registration and additional information can be obtained at   

For other questions, contact Tod Mershon at 908-295-1368 or


Through June 30

Mercer County’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), offered in coordination with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, allows individuals meeting various income qualifications to apply for bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance and energy-related home repairs.

LIHEAP is designed to help low-income families and individuals meet home heating and medically necessary cooling costs.

This year, the application period is Oct. 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.

To be eligible for LIHEAP benefits, the applicant household must be responsible for home heating or cooling costs, either directly or included in the rent; and have gross income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.

Applications, forms and information can be found on the Office of Housing and Community Development’s programs page on the county website. Mail to County of Mercer LIHEAP/USF Programs, 640 S. Broad St., Room 106, P.O. Box 8068, Trenton 08650; fax to 609-278-2758; email; or drop off at Mercer County Administration Building, 640 S. Broad St., Trenton.

If an in-person appointment is necessary, clients can call 609-337-0933 or email to schedule an appointment at the County Administration Building, 640 S. Broad St., Trenton; or Mercer County Connection, Hamilton Square Shopping Center, 957 Route 33 at Paxson Avenue, Hamilton.

For more information, contact Home Energy Assistance at 609-989-6959 (Spanish: 609-989-6736).




Wednesday, July 6

Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties will hold its next Job Seekers Success Group for active job seekers who are unemployed, underemployed or seeking a career change on July 6 from 7-9 p.m.

This meeting will be held by virtual format via Zoom.

The topic for this session is “Job Offers: How to Successfully Accept or Reject Them” presented by Harold Levin, staffing manager for SmartStaff Personnel.

This group is offered free of charge and is open to the community.

Registration is required to receive the Zoom invitation and to be admitted to the group.

To register or for information about Career Counseling Services, contact Elise Prezant at or 908-725-7799, ext. 108.



Saturday, July 9

The Chivalrous Crickets concert has been rescheduled to 7-8:30 p.m. July 9 at the West Windsor Arts Council, 952 Alexander Road, Princeton Junction.

Join an evening of Celtic, English and American folk music.

A special opportunity to learn about their instruments, songs and more will be a part of the night, with a Q&A with the band following their performance.

For more information, visit



August 10-12

The Somerset County 4-H Fair returns Aug. 10, 11 and 12 for free family fun.

The fair allows 4-H youth to present their hard work from throughout the year as a chance to celebrate and look ahead to the future.

Somerset County 4-H is currently looking for vendors, both food and commercial.

For more information, visit


Sept. 24

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton, will hold its 33rd annual Guardian Angel Dinner Dance, Back in Black Tie, from 5-10 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Hyatt Regency Princeton, 102 Carnegie Center.

Join a night of entertainment, silent auction, 50/50 raffle.

For tickets, visit

The Diocese of Trenton serves Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean counties.




October 1 & 2

The Downtown Bordentown Association announced the return of the 32nd annual Cranberry Festival on Oct. 1 and 2.

For more information on the “Maker Fest on Farnsworth,” visit


Through November

Kingston: On The Map opens April 9 in the History Room at the D&R Canal Locktender’s House, on old Lincoln Highway (off Route 27) in Kingston.

On view Saturdays and Sundays from April to November from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The village of Kingston has hosted colonial taverns, armies during the American Revolution, canal boats, railroad trains and travelers on the Lincoln Highway. One of the oldest settlements in central New Jersey, Kingston evolved with America over its 340-year history.
The display uses journal entries and prints of a dozen historical maps to illustrate Kingston’s evolution, from settlement to commercial center to modern community. One map shows how Kingston moved between the colonies of east and west New Jersey. Another shows both Kingston and Princeton divided by county lines. Railroads appeared in the 19th century, disappearing by the 20th. The Delaware and Raritan Canal was built for commerce, but is now a recreation destination.

Air circulation is limited, so masks and distancing are requested.

For more information, visit


Continuing events


The Burlington County Sheriff’s Department will perform safety seat inspections every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5-8 p.m.

No appointment required.

The service is offered free of charge to improve child safety.

A typical inspection takes about 20 minutes.

Inspections are performed at the Burlington County Administration Building, 49 Rancocas Road, Mount Holly. Residents can call 609-265-3788 when they arrive and ask for the on-duty child safety seat technician.


Dove Hospice Services of New Jersey is seeking volunteers who are willing to make a difference with individuals who are experiencing the challenge of end-of-life.

Dove Hospice Services is looking for individuals who can dedicate a small amount of time each month to provide companionship-friendly visits, life review, play cards, sewing, knitting or craft projects, music enrichment, pet therapy and office or administrative assistance, according to a press release.

Dove Hospice Services is expanding its “We Honor Veterans” program and is seeking motivated veterans who are interested in providing compassion, support and outreach to fellow veterans and their families.

Visits can be made to individuals living in facilities or private homes. Ongoing training is provided. Volunteers must be 18 or older and a COVID vaccine is required. For additional information, contact Michelle Rutigliano at 732-405-3035.



This fall, Rider University will begin offering a cannabis studies certificate program. The 100% online program provides students with the credentials and expertise to enter the legal cannabis market.  

The program explores the biological, legal, ethical, business and practical aspects of the industry through four courses.

The capstone course is taught by an industry professional, allowing students to gain experience and learn about future internship and job opportunities.

The program is open to those interested in any aspect of the cannabis industry, with no prerequisites or previous degrees required.

Registration is required at






Court Appointed Special Advocates of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties (CASA SHaW), which is dedicated to foster children in the region, is seeking applications from individuals in the community to serve on the CASA SHaW Board of Trustees.

Individuals who are interested in applying to become a member of the CASA SHaW Board of Trustees should send their resumes and credentials to CASA SHaW at

CASA SHaW is part of a statewide network of community-based, non-profit programs that recruit, screen, train and supervise volunteers to “Speak Up for a Child” removed from home due to abuse or neglect. CASA is the only program in New Jersey that uses trained volunteers to work one-on-one with children, ensuring that each one gets the services needed and achieves permanency in a safe, nurturing home.

For more information, visit







Hillsborough Township’s Senior Chapters A and B each provide an experience for seniors looking to get out, mingle and experience new things. Trips, theaters, entertainment, card games, speakers, hobbies, talent shows, restaurants, history, and health screenings are some of the activities.

The first and second Thursdays of each month are designated for regular meetings at the municipal building for Chapter A and Chapter B, respectively. 

Any Hillsborough senior age 60 or over who is interested in learning more can contact the Social Services Department at 908-369-3880.





The Monroe Township Jewish War Veterans Post 609 is collecting United States and foreign stamps, both on and off envelopes.

Stamps are used by veterans as a hobby and as therapy at VA medical centers nationwide.

The stamps are not traded or sold; they are forwarded to veteran patients at no charge.

Also requested are DVDs suitable for veterans at those locations.

Send all items to JWV Post 609, c/o Charles Koppelman, 6 Yarmouth Dr., Monroe Township 08831.




The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ) and the Office of the New Jersey Coordinator of Addiction Responses and Enforcement Strategies (NJ CARES), which is responsible for overseeing addiction-fighting efforts across the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, have renewed their partnership to host the Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day Learning Series in 2022.

The Learning Series, which began in 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, features regular webinars focusing on various aspects of the opioid epidemic and its impact on New Jersey and the nation. It is a branch of PDFNJ’s Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day initiative, which is held annually on Oct. 6 to educate residents and prescribers on the risks of prescription opioids and to raise awareness of the opioid crisis throughout the state.

The 2022 Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day Learning Series will include a webinar every month on wide-ranging topics concerning the opioid epidemic, including medication-assisted treatment, harm reduction, the impact on families and addiction recovery.

To learn more about the Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day and for a schedule of this year’s webinars, visit




Volunteers are needed to help end domestic violence in Burlington County.

The Domestic Violence Response Team consists of volunteers who work with Providence House, domestic violence services and police departments to help people who experience domestic violence by empowering and advocating for survivors.

Must be 18 years of age or older, a resident or employee of Burlington County, have a valid New Jersey driver’s license and access to transportation, and no criminal history.

For more information, call 856-904-4344 or email




East Windsor residents can volunteer for appointment to various township boards and committees, including the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Local Assistance Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The mayor and council will make appointments at the January reorganization meeting, as well as throughout the year as opportunities arise.

Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the Municipal Clerk or from the township website or send a letter of interest and a resume or information about their background to: Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Blvd., East Windsor 08520; or fax to 609-443-8303.

For an application form or further information, call 609-443-4000, ext. 238.






The U.S. State Department is experiencing longer than usual delays in the processing times of passports.

For those looking to travel and needing to renew their passports, it is advised to begin this process immediately. The current wait times for passport services is 10 weeks for expedited services and up to 14 weeks from the time of submission for a regular application. This delay is likely due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information regarding passports, visit the Mercer County Clerk’s website at or call the clerk’s passport office at 609-989-6473; for Spanish, call 609-989-6131 or 609-989-6122.

Appointments at the Mercer County Connection, located at 957 Route 33, Hamilton, are available weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To schedule an appointment at the Mercer County Connection, call 609-890-9800.

All customers must have applications filled out, money orders and checks along with documentation and copies prior to appointment. Delays in appointment availability may be experienced due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.



Mercer County’s Swift911 system notifies the public in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information via phone, text or email.  

All calls will have the caller ID of “Mercer County Alert.”

Personal information will not be provided to any outside agencies or companies.

To sign up, visit

For assistance with registration, email

Mercer County posts regarding emergency closures are available at and 



Central Jersey Chapter 148 of the Korean War Veterans extend an invitation to any veterans, regardless of the branch of service, who served during the Korean War from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953, in any location, including Europe; or who have served in Korea from July 27, 1953, to the current date.

Other veterans may join as associate members.

The group meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of every month, from May to December, at the Monroe Township Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Plaza, in the court room.

Requirements for membership include paying dues of $25 to the Korean War Veterans Association and $10 to the chapter per year.

Korean War Veterans National LIFE membership is available for those 80 and older, and is $75.

The chapter is involved in various functions during the year, including fundraising to help veterans at the New Jersey State Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park, the Lyons campus of the VA New Jersey Health Care System, and the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home at Vineland.

For more information, contact Charlie Koppelman at 609-655-3111 or




The Burlington County Lyceum of History and Natural Sciences is turning into a wedding venue.

Burlington County Clerk Joanne Schwartz will begin performing weddings every Wednesday afternoon from 1-4 p.m. by appointment only, in the historic and picturesque Lyceum building on High Street in Mount Holly.

Burlington County couples interested in being married can make appointments online at

There is no fee for the service, but couples must obtain a marriage license from the municipality where either the bride or groom resides or from Mount Holly, where the Lyceum is located. Obtaining a license typically takes 72 hours.

For more information, call the Clerk’s Office at 609-265-5142.



Bentley Community Services, a designated 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, has been helping working families in financial crisis regain self-sufficiency by providing a full range of grocery provisions and more each week, offsetting grocery bills.

Bentley also offers educational and informational workshops throughout the year facilitated by professionals.

Bentley Community Services is located at 4064 Route 1 north, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick, but helps families in communities from the entire central New Jersey region, including Mercer, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset and Monmouth counties.

For more information, call 908-227-0684 or visit

Donations of perishable, non-perishable foods and toiletries are accepted throughout the year.






Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick has launched the Substance Abuse and Addiction Loss Support Group for families who are coping with loss due to addiction.

The free and confidential support group meets virtually on the second Thursday of every month from 7-8:30 p.m.

Inspired by Saint Peter’s Opioid Task Force, the Substance Abuse and Addiction Loss Support Group is for families and close loved ones of people who have passed away from addiction.

The support group is open to everyone in New Jersey and serves as a safe space for families to discuss their grief.

To join the Substance Abuse and Addiction Loss Support Group, call Jeanne Delacruz, a social worker at Saint Peter’s who facilitates the support group, at 732-745-8522 or email






The Anshe Emeth Community Development Corp (AECDC) Central Jersey Diaper Bank is collecting baby clothing sizes newborn-2T, diapers and books.
Donations can be picked up if within Middlesex County. Volunteers from the Rutgers School of Nursing will arrive between 10 a.m. and noon on the day indicated.
At this time, no shoes, equipment, toys, etc. can be collected.



NAMI In Our Own Voice (NAMI En Nuestra Propia Voz) is a program by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) New Jersey chapter geared toward community education and reducing the stigma of mental health, as trained volunteers share their lived experience of mental health recovery.

To schedule a presentation at a school, PTA meeting, congregation, town hall, support group or professional training, email

Presentations are available in English and Spanish.







Central Jersey SCORE, a non-profit resource partner of the Small Business Administration, is looking for volunteers to assist people looking to start a business or grow an existing small business.

The organization is recruiting business owners and executives, both current and retired, who want to share their experience and knowledge with today’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

The Central Jersey Chapter of SCORE serves Middlesex, Somerset and Hunterdon counties.

Central Jersey SCORE provides in-person mentoring and webinars, both offered virtually in line with current pandemic restrictions. In addition, the SCORE website offers tools and templates on a wide variety of topics and numerous online courses and webinars to assist small business owners through every aspect of business development and management. Services are offered free of charge.

Anyone interested in volunteering with SCORE or seeking additional information should email



The Mercer County Solidarity Network (MCSN) is a new mutual aid group designed to connect people in need throughout Mercer County with people who can help meet those needs.

The group is looking for individuals, families and businesses who would like to donate their time, resources or goods/services with people who have been affected by the pandemic and who request support. There is no minimum obligation – donors can specify whatever they feel they can provide and the group will match donors with individuals who have expressed a related need.

To sign up as a donor, visit or email




Send items to The deadline for submissions each week is 5 p.m. on Tuesday. For details, call 732-358-5200, ext. 8233.

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