Snap Dog, the hot dog born on the streets of New York City, will debut its first location in Old Bridge with a grand opening from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on July 22 at Rebels Football Field, Route 516 West, Old Bridge.
Nikki’s Dawgs will be serving Snap Dogs in natural casing, spicy sausage and skinless varieites. Snap Dogs are hot dogs made from 100 percent premium beef and cooked in a real smokehouse.
Snap Dog Pushcart-style Onion Sauce, pretzels and popcorn will also be available.
Co-owner Craig Cordero works as a straddle crane operator in Port Elizabeth in addition to being co-owner of Nikki’s Dawgs. He formerly owned the Celebrity Deli in Union and La Famiglia Pizzeria in Long Branch.
Co-owner Nicole Ruiz previously worked at Lioni Latticini Inc. in Union.
Following the opening, Nikki’s Dawgs will be operating Mondays through Saturdays at that location.
Follow Snap Dog on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Follow Nikki’s Dawgs on Facebook and on Instagram.