Groundbreaking for new Hopewell Valley Senior and Community Center anticipated in the coming year
A new Hopewell Valley Senior and Community Center is inching closer to reality with the recent announcement of $2 million in state funds for the construction of the new center.
Plans for a new senior and community center have been discussed and worked on for several years.
“The Hopewell Valley Senior and Community Center will have a significant positive impact on the residents of Hopewell and Pennington,” Assemblyman Anthony Verrelli [D-15] said as he announced the state funds for the project on June 1. “Community and senior centers help to facilitate strong, inclusive communities along with healthy living by offering art classes, social events, and opportunities for exercise.”
Verrelli made the announcement with state Sen. Shirley Turner (D-15) and Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (D-15) at the future site of the center on Washington Crossing-Pennington Road in Pennington.

“This facility will serve as a multi-use hub, providing a wide variety of programs and recreational activities for our community members,” he said.
Turner said community centers play “a critical role in connecting neighbors to vital programs and services and providing a social setting that keeps residents of all ages active, alert, and thriving.”
“Since loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection are now considered a public health threat, it is more important than ever that we support opportunities to bring our communities together,” she said.
Turner added that the creation of a multi-use hub shared by three municipalities will be a source of pride for Hopewell Valley and help to improve the health and quality of life of residents.
“It’s great to see funding allocated to such a worthy cause,” Reynolds-Jackson said. “Investing in the Hopewell Valley Senior and Community Center will ensure our community members of all ages have a space to come together and enjoy services offered by the Township.
“I look forward to seeing this facility bring our community together while supporting critical county meal programs and recreational classes that truly make a difference for our residents.”
The dignitaries were joined by local officials of the Valley – Hopewell Borough Councilman Ryan Kennedy, who is also board president of the Hopewell Valley YMCA, Hopewell Township Mayor Michael Ruger, Deputy Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning, and Committeemen Kevin Kuchinski and David Chait.
Ruger said he was pleased to accept the grant on behalf of the residents of the township.
“This generous grant will allow us to move forward on construction of the new Senior and Community Center,” he said.
Kuchinski said he looks forward to a new space that brings seniors and the community together.
“This new Center has been a long time coming,” he said.
According to the township, a groundbreaking is anticipated in the coming year.
“We are working towards the next steps in making the new center a reality,” said Randi Malkiewicz, coordinator for Hopewell Valley Senior Services. “Thank you to the state for acknowledging the need for this building and helping us in the process. Our Hopewell Valley seniors are very excited to have a new center to enjoy with their friends.”