East Windsor schools continue remote learning


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The East Windsor Regional School District will continue its program of remote learning for students through April 5, according to Superintendent of Schools Mark Daniels.

Since students will be on spring break from April 6-12, the proposed date to reopen the East Windsor Regional School District is April 13, Daniels said.

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The new date is subject to change, he said.

The school district began remote learning on March 17 for a two-week period that ends March 27, but Gov. Phil Murphy issued an executive order that closed schools indefinitely to try to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

The district’s remote learning plan consists of online learning opportunities, combined with traditional learning opportunities consisting of books, instructional packets and supplementary handouts.

Daniels said that teachers and parents should email the school principal if they have questions, and refrain from entering the school building.

Daniels also announced a change in the distribution procedure for students who are eligible for free and reduced price lunch. The locations and times when the packages can be picked up have been cut back.

Students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch can go to the Ethel McKnight and Grace N. Rogers elementary schools from 9-11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to take enough food for a week at a time.

Daniels also encouraged students, parents and staff to practice social distancing. The key to slowing down the spread of COVID-19 is to limit social interaction, he said.

“Keep your family at home and away from others as much as possible. Do not have friends or extended family over, and do not go to their homes,” Daniels said.

Parents should avoid play dates and allowing their children to play in groups. If children meet outside of school in bigger groups, it can put everyone at risk, Daniels said.

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