Linwood Community Day was held on Sept. 21 inside and outside school grounds.
Linwood Community Day was held on Sept. 21 inside and outside school grounds.
North Brunswick Police Detective Michael Braun of the Adopt-a-Cop program, left, high fives Maya Dominick during Linwood Community Day.
North Brunswick Police Detective Michael Braun of the Adopt-a-Cop program, left, gives sunglasses courtesy of the police department to a mother in attendance.
Linwood Community Day was held on Sept. 21 inside and outside school grounds.
Kenneth De Filippo, far right, and his son Nick serve snow cones to attendees of Linwood Community Day on Sept. 21.
Kenneth De Filippo, far right, and his son Nick serve snow cones to attendees of Linwood Community Day on Sept. 21.
Alexis De Filippo of Linwood Middle School, left to right, Kelly Streko of Judd Elementary School, Natalie Durante of John Adams Elementary School, Nicole Stewart of Linwood, Leanne Barnhard of John Adams and Evelyn Genzano of Linwood man the time capsule table at Linwood Community Day in North Brunswick on Sept. 21.
Linwood Community Day was held on Sept. 21 inside and outside school grounds.
Linwood Community Day was held on Sept. 21 inside and outside school grounds.
Carmela Bedford, left, participates in a relay race with the assistance of Sam Kamin during Linwood Community Day.
Madison McDonnell races with her egg on a spoon during an activity at Linwood Community Day.