SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council will submit a grant application to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) for the 2020 Roadway and Drainage Improvements project.
South River Borough Administrator Art Londensky said that for First Street, Claremont Avenue, Obert Street and Gordon Street, the project will consist of relocating any inlets within the limits of proposed handicap ramps and the addition of inlets as necessary.
The existing inlets that remain will be upgraded with “eco” curb pieces and bicycle safe grates, along with curbing improvements throughout the project.
The council approved the resolution authorizing the borough to submit the grant application on July 22.
Londensky said that the project will also include new concrete sidewalks in areas of proposed handicap ramps, and all existing ramps will be upgraded to be Americans with Disabilities Act compliant. Sanitary sewers will be inspected and point repairs will be made to any settled or damaged sections of pipe. These roadways will be milled and overlayed with a new hot mix asphalt surface course and will have point repairs to the base course.
“The project will also include appropriate signage and striping within the project limits and will satisfy DOT, ADA and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) design standards,” Londensky said. “Clayton Court will be improved in the same manner detailed above, but will be fully reconstructed with a hot mix asphalt base course and surface course.”
Londensky explained that the borough is asking the DOT for $969,662.24 in grant funding for the project.
“For Prentice Avenue, including a portion of Olchaskey Avenue and Wilcox Street, the project will consist of the installation of inlets and drainage pipe, along with the underground connection of roof leader drains to limit surface stormwater flow,” Londensky said. “The proposed stormwater improvements will be connected to existing systems located in Prentice Avenue and Wilcox Street.”
Londensky reported that following the storm sewer improvements, curb and handicap ramps will also be upgraded to be ADA compliant and satisfy DOT and MUTCD design standards and the roadways will be milled and overlayed with a hot mix asphalt surface course.
“We are expecting to hear back [from the DOT] before the end of the year,” Londensky said.
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