Hillsborough Township municipal and state officials address incident regarding anti-Semitic posting


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Hillsborough Township municipal officials released a statement regarding an incident at the municipal complex where an anti-Semitic flier was posted on a door.

Municipal officials reported that a flier was posted at the municipal building overnight between July 14-15.

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Officials said the flier was reported to be found on the building’s glass entrance doorway on the morning of July 15 by a township employee and was immediately referred to the Hillsborough Township Police Department. It was then forwarded to the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office and the New Jersey State Police in accordance with established protocols, according to officials.

A police investigation reported that the flier’s content referenced the denial that the Holocaust actually took place. The flier references an organization called the DailyStormer.name.

DailyStormer.name is an all reader supported website run by Publisher Andrew Anglin. The website states that it is “the biggest news publication focused on racism and anti-Semitism in human history.”

The websites states its main prerogative is “…to preserve Western Civilization. We do it out of love.”

“We take matters such as this seriously,” Mayor Frank DelCore said in a statement. “Furthermore, I as Hillsborough Township Mayor, along with my fellow township committee members, condemn this type of activity. This hateful rhetoric has no place in our community.”

“The flier, reprehensible in nature, did not pose an immediate threat,” Lieutenant Mike McMahon of the Hillsborough Township Police Department said in a statement. “The township does not condone any group postings such as this at the municipal complex.”

Following initial reports of the incident, state assemblyman and Hillsborough resident Roy Freiman (D-Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, and Somerset) released a statement to condemn the action as well.

“Almost one year ago after a shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, I stood with people from all over New Jersey and said, ‘hate has no home here.’ Six months ago when white supremacists planned a hate rally in Princeton, I stood with residents of the 16th district and said, ‘hate has no home here.’ Now, hate is literally in my home. The anti-Semitic flier posted at the Hillsborough municipal building over the weekend is not only infuriating, it is also frightening to see this level of bigotry in our community,” Freiman said.

“Over 20 years ago, my wife and I chose Hillsborough to raise our children because we felt safe and a strong sense of community,” he said. “All these years later, I am not just angry and disappointed. I am sad for my family and for my neighbors. I stand with all of you once again to say, ‘hate has no home here,’ and look forward to coming together with my community to fight against this hateful rhetoric that will not be tolerated in Hillsborough.”

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