Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital earns Gold Seal for hip, knee replacement programs


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Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) New Brunswick has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for its Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Programs by demonstrating compliance with The Joint Commission’s national standards for health care quality and safety in disease-specific care.

To achieve this certification, RWJUH New Brunswick underwent a rigorous on-site review in September. A Joint Commission expert evaluated these programs for compliance with consensus-based national standards, effective use of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to manage and optimize care, and an organized approach to performance measurement and improvement activities.

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Receiving the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval shows RWJUH New Brunswick’s commitment to continuous performance improvement, collaboration across all disciplines and having the proper framework in place to improve patient outcomes. RWJUH teams that played central roles in earning this certification included Orthopedic Surgery, Nursing, Pre-admission testing, Same-Day Surgery, Operating Room, Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, 2 East Nursing Unit, Physical Rehabilitation Medicine, and Case Management.

To learn more about RWJUH, visit For a referral to a physician affiliated with RWJUH, call 1-888-MD-RWJUH.

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