When is it time to upgrade your hearing aid?


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Statistics show the average lifespan of hearing aids is about five years. Some patients go into newer technology sooner to take advantage of the advanced features and benefits to fully maximize their hearing ability. If you’re unsure about the appropriate time to upgrade, here are some signs to look for:

  • The hearing aids don’t fit as tight as they used to and you’re getting soreness in the ears
  • You’re experiencing feedback or whistling
  • You’re going through batteries faster and straining more to hear
  • Speech has become more unclear
  • Hearing in noisy social situations has become more difficult
  • Hearing on the phone has become more difficultIf you’re experiencing any of the above with your current hearing aids, it might be time to reach out to the hearing healthcare providers at American Hearing Centers in Holmdel for an upgrade.On Aug. 6, they will hold a free Hearing Health Event where you will have the opportunity to experience a demonstration of the latest hearing aid technology.

    Secure your spot by calling 732-639-1414 to make an appointment.

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