The ferris wheel was one of the most attractive amusements at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2. 2017
Son Andrew Staeger, 11, watches his father James Staeger, Keyport, crash into him during a fun round of bumper carts at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
JJ Cypher (3), Union Beach, slides his way down a ride at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
Denise McGurty, Keyport. Conor McGurty,2, Hazlet. Danielle Bartlett Union Beach (pictured), Jase Mastorio 2, Union Beach ride the strawberry ride at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
Alfredo Pagan of Keyport allows Christos, 5, to pick his favorite prize as carnival worker Ned Beaulieu of Bronx residing in Keyport gives him some up front selections at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
Hosted by Jim Lawson and Ned Beaulieu of keyport. Family competion arrises as Alfredo Pagan of Keyport, and son Christon Pagan, 5, aim to beat wife Jessica and daughter Alyssia, 3 at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
Son Andrew Staeger, 11, watches his father James Staeger, Keyport, elimate some targets at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
An assortment of festival lights attracted residents to the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017.
Catch a fish and win a prize, many attendees had an assortment of prizes. Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
Keyport had a variety of festival foods for everyone that attended the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017
The American Flag hung gracefully over the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017. No storm will hold this fair back.
Chief of Keyport Fire Department Dan Fox and Lutienent Alex Mab, both of Keyport, Raise the American Flag over the Fireman's Fair in Keyport on August 2, 2017
Conor McGurty, 2, took a stroll for some festive prizes and left Denise and Jeff McGurty, Hazlet, to do the organizing at the Keyport Fireman's Fair on August 2, 2017