East Brunswick residents Joan Katz (L) and Audrey Degutz dance while enjoying the sounds of "The 60's Band" at the East Brunswick Arts Center on Jul 27.
Audry and Alan Degutz, of East Brunswick dance wile enjoying the sounds of "The 60's Band" at the East Brunswick Arts Center on Jul 27.
Alan and Elaine Wishna share a dance while enjoying the sounds of "The 60's Band" at the East Brunswick Arts Center on Jul 27.
Patrons enjoy the sounds of "The 60's Band" at the East Brunswick Arts Center on Jul 27.
Music from 50 years ago is revisited by the sounds of "The Strictly 60's Band" at the East Brunswick Arts Center on Jul 27.
Music from 50 years ago is revisited by the sounds of "The Strictly 60's Band" at the East Brunswick Arts Center on Jul 27.