Internships provide practical experience for learning center pupils


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By Christine Barcia
Staff Writer

Public sector and nonprofit internships are giving a group of Freehold Regional High School District students real-world experience way beyond classroom learning.

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“We believe the internships give students an authentic experience that most high school students would not get until college or beyond,” said Peter Krais, Supervisor – Social Studies, Law and Public Service Learning Center, Classical and World Languages Departments, Colts Neck High School.

Administrators at the Law and Public Service Learning Center at Colts Neck High School started an internship program for seniors this year, said Rebecca Morton, Communications and District Projects Coordinator, Freehold Regional High School District.

The Law and Public Service Learning Center, which started in 2004, is one of six learning centers in the school district. The learning centers are designed to “prepare students for advanced college study in a particular subject,” according to the school district’s website. The Law and Public Service Learning Center is geared toward students with demonstrated interests and abilities in history, politics, government, law, volunteerism and leadership.

Emma Tucker, of Colts Neck, a senior participating in the internship program, said she has had a positive experience interning for Monmouth County Freeholder Serena DiMaso.

“I have learned a lot about how county government and politics work that I did not know before. In the past couple of weeks, I have been able to sit in on really interesting meetings about things such as the budget,” Emma said.

Students learn by doing, Krais said, explaining that “it is learning outside of the four walls. This is class, the most authentic experience a student can have. The students are applying what they learn.”

Program participant Dominic Conoshenti, of Marlboro, a senior, is an intern at the Monmouth County finance office.

“While I have just started, I have already gotten to learn so much about county government. Craig Marshall, the county’s chief financial officer, has brought me into meetings where I got to listen to negotiations, he showed me the ins and outs of the county budget and he has even given me my own project to make a spreadsheet of the spending history of certain departments of the county government,” Dominic said.

The young man said he will gain “invaluable real-world experience in this internship” and added that he is grateful to be able to participate in the program.

Erica Lee, of Marlboro, a senior at the Law and Public Service Learning Center, is interning at the Superior Court of New Jersey, Monmouth Vicinage, Freehold.

“The experience is giving me an up-close look at the areas of family, criminal and civil law, as well as insight into a possible career in law,” Erica said.

Krais said internships are one of two parts of the senior seminar required of pupils in the Law and Public Service Learning Center. The other component is a service learning project in which students work in groups to address a need in the community.

Students report to their internships one day per week for two to three hours.

The internship partners are Monmouth County government offices; New Jersey Superior Court, Freehold; CentraState Healthcare Foundation; Bayshore Community Hospital Foundation; Colts Neck Township; Marlboro Township; U.S. Congressman Chris Smith; Monmouth County Chamber of Commerce; Friendship Circle of Marlboro; and the Monmouth County Democrats.

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