WHAT’S GOING ON for the week of 2/19/16


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Fri., Feb. 19 
The Cranbury Public Library will host a program on “Ghost Writing a Memoir” at 7 p.m. Come hear about Robin Black’s experience ghost writing the holocaust memoir, “One Voice, Two Lives.” The library is at 23 N. Main St., Cranbury.
Having trouble finding what you’re looking for in the Mercer County Library’s catalog? Want to know how to register for a library program online, find a foreign language DVD, or request an item? Come to a class to learn about the library website & catalog at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch Library, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor. Call the library to register at (609) 448-1330.
A Drum Circle will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, Group drumming has been proven to relieve stress, boost the immune system and lower blood pressure. Musician and teacher Reed Thomas will lead the program. Drums will be provided or you may bring your own. No experience required. 
Sun., Feb. 21 
The Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Genealogy Club will be discussing “Early 20th Century Passenger Ship Arrival Records” at 7:30 p.m. Marshall Lerner will discuss the back story behind early 20th century passenger ship records and their usefulness when researching family members. He will cover changing societal views towards immigration “back in the day” as well as the specific types of information that can be gleaned from passenger manifests and ship records. Marshall is a member of the Beth El Genealogy Club. He is a long standing member of the Jewish Genealogy Society of New York, an attendee at international genealogical conferences and a relatively early member of the JewishGen community. Working under the leadership of the late John Marino from the Italian Genealogy Group, Marshall helped develop a number of the well known indexes that people find useful when searching for vital records at the New York City Municipal Archives.Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520. www.bethel.net. Contact the Synagogue Office with any questions, (609) 443-4454. 
Mon., Feb. 22 
Book Café with guest author Michele Seigfriend will be held at 3 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library. Meet Ms. Seigfeid as she presents cozy mysteries from her “Jersey Shore Mystery Series.” Books will be available for purchase and light refreshments will be served. The library is at 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org.
Mystery Book Club will meet at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J., at 7 p.m.. The group will be discussing “Brimstone” by Douglass Preston & Lee Child. No registration is necessary and new members are always welcome. 
Wed., Feb. 24 
The Hickory Corner Book Discussion Group will meet at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J., at 7:30 p.m. The book for this month is “Vanishing Acts” by Jodi Picoult. No registration is necessary and new members are always welcome. 
Sat., Feb. 27 
The Hightstown Woman’s Club is sponsoring the 37th Annual Dollhouse & Miniatures Show & Sale from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at The First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown, 320 North Main Street, Hightstown, N.J. 08520. Twenty dealers from various areas of New Jersey and Pennsylvania will be on hand displaying their wares. The dealers specialize in vintage miniatures, handcrafted and hand-painted furniture, Victorian room settings, needlework cushions, rugs, and lots of accessories guaranteed to stimulate your creative imagination. A king/queen-sized hand-crafted Yellow Brick Road quilt valued at $750 will be raffled by the club this year for $2 a ticket. Proceeds from door prize tickets, lunch, cakes and cookies benefit the Woman’s Club Civic Improvement projects. Admission is $5.50 for adults, $2 for children under 12. For more information, call 609-448-8388.
Mr. Malcolm Celebrates Dr. Suess’ Birthday, will be held from 11:00 a.m. to noon at the Hightstown Memorial Library, 114 Franklin St. in Hightstown. Be part of the story as Mr. Malcolm brings Dr. Suess’ beloved classics to life with fun, interactive storytelling. Register online at www.mcl.org.
First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury will have a Chinese New Year celebration and fundraiser for the new community library put on by the Chinese community in Cranbury. The event will be from noon to 3 p.m. at the Cranbury Public Library. Cost is $30 for adults and $15 for children. Kids under 5 years old are free. Tickets must be purcahsed at the library prior to the event, which is limited to 125 attendees.
The Hightstown High School ice hockey team will host a “Skate with the Team” fundraiser from 8:30 to 10 p.m. at the Loucks Rink at Lawrenceville Prep. Admission is $5, skate rentals are $2. Come join the fun and support the hockey team. 
Sun., Feb. 28 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor and the Jewish National Fund (JNF) will host guest speaker, Avnet Kleiner, at 9:45 a.m. Avnet Kleiner is the development director in the U.S. for Aleh Negev –Nahalat Eran, a state of the art rehabilitative village in Southern Israel and a JNF partner. Come and have breakfast while you learn about this organization. Admission is free. RSVP to the Beth El Synagogue Office, 609-443-4454, admin@bethel.net. Beth El Synagogue is at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, N.J., 08520, www.bethel.net. 
Mon., Feb. 29 
iPad for Beginners will be held at 3 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library. Bring your own fully charged iPad, Apple ID and password. The library is at 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org.
A class on Google Tips & Tricks will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J. Come to learn about the special features of the popular search engine and internet services platform. Call the library to register at 609-448-1330 or email hcprogs@mcl.org. 
Thurs., March 3 
Hickory Corner Branch Library is starting an English as a Second Language Conversation Group on Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Join educator Beth Broder Epstein and learn how to improve language speaking skills, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency. Must have some basic knowledge of English. Call the library to register at 609-448-1330. The Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, is at 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor N.J.
Could It Be Poison? will be presented by Princeton HealthCare System’s Community Education and Outreach at 7 p.m. the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor N.J. Every year, between 2 million to 4 million poisonings occur in the United States, according to the New Jersey Poison Control Center. Unintentional poisoning can be caused by over-the-counter, prescribed or illegally obtained pain medications and sedatives; antidepressants and other medications prescribed for various health conditions; drug and alcohol interactions; and even household cleaning products. Call the library to register for this informational program at 609-448-1330. 
Fri., March 4 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor will celebrate Shabbat Across America/Canada at 6 p.m. Shabbat Across America is an unparalleled display of unity and love of Israel, created in the hope of making certain that every North American Jew will have the opportunity to celebrate Shabbat. For dinner reservations, RSVP to the Beth El office at 609-443-4454 or admin@bethel.net. RSVP by Feb. 25, for the early-bird price: $16 per adult and $9 per child under 12. RSVP by March 1 for the regular price: $18 per adult and $10 per child under 12.
Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, N.J., 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Sat., March 5 
Soup for the Soul: Cooking Demonstration, 11:30 a.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library, 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, N.J. Learn to make and get to taste “Chicken Corn Soup,” a healthy and nutritious hot soup. Alert us of food allergies. Limited seating. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org. 
Mon., March 7 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor and Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County present “Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer” at 7 p.m. Jeannie Opdyke Smith, the daughter of the late Irene Opdyke, will speak about her mother’s story. Irene Opdyke, a brave and inspiring figure, received international recognition for her life-saving actions during the Holocaust when working for a high-ranking German official. She risked her life by aiding and saving Jews during the Holocaust. Her story is powerful, emotional, and awe-inspiring. Join us as Jeannie tells her mother’s story in a magnificent style. The free event will be held at Beth El Synagogue is East Windsor, is open to everyone and is appropriate for students 7th grade and up. For more information, contact Lisa Adler at JFCS, LisaA@jfcsonline.org, 609-987-8100 X113 or Beth El Synagogue at 609-443-4454.Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Wed., March 9 
Stop Motion Animation from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library, 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, N.J. Stop Motion is a filmmaking technique that makes inanimate objects look like they are moving on their own. Work as a team to create your own Stop Motion film and upload it to Youtube. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org. 
Sat., March 12 
New Kid: NJ Theater Alliance Stages Festival, Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library, 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, N.J. George Street Playhouse presents “New Kid” a story about an immigrant family that moves to a new place and faces unexpected challenges. The play allows the audience to explore the impact of a new language and customs on an outsider.New Kid addresses racism, prejudice, peer pressure, and conflict resolution. OC event made possible by the generous support of the Horizon Foundation for New Jersey. Grades K-6. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org.
The Hightstown Cultural Arts Commission will sponsor “Empty Bowls,” an international program that engages participating artists to create and donate handmade bowls in which s simple meal is served to community members. This event, to benefit RISE, a community service partnership, will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Hightstown VFW Post 5700, 140 Dutch Neck Road, Hightstown. Tickets are $35 and include soup and a bowl handmade by a professional potter. For tickets, visit eventbrite.com or the RISE offices. For information, contact Ann Marie Miller, Hightstown Cultural Arts Commission, at 609-313-4541.
The Hightstown Elks Club will have its annual comedy night at 8 p.m. featuring Ben Bergman and Katrina Brown. Mr.Bergman has been seen on NBC Chicago, Mancow TV and the TBS Just For Laughs Chicago Festival. He has also worked with some of the best performers in the country including Kevin Pollak, Chad Daniels and Bill Burr. He is constantly performing across the country and the city he calls home, Chicago. Headliner Katrina Brown tours constantly in the Midwest and is known as the “Mutant Queen of Ohio Comedy.” Her comedy is blue enough for PG-13 rating and clean enough not to horrify people. Her experiences of being a wife, mother, aging woman, pop culture addict and “proof that nature likes practical jokes” she keeps audiences of every age and demographic in stitches. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $22 per person and includes the show, a buffet of appetizers and desserts and a DJ dance party after the show. For information, email hightstownelks@gmail.com or call Pat O’Brien at 609-384-5741. 
Sun., March 13 
The Community Concert Association of Bordentown Inc. will host “Jersey Sound” at 3 p.m. in Bordentown Regional Middle School, 50 Dunn’s Mill Road, Bordentown. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $5 for seniors. This award-winning chorus, a member of “Sweet Adelines,” brings musicianship, memorable repertory, humor and vocal quality to every performance. Enjoy a concert of old-time classics, pop, jazz, patriotic, and Broadway favorites. For additional concert or membership information, call 609-298-5465. 
Mon., March 14 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor will be hosting the program, “Be An Effective Israel Advocate” at 7:30 p.m. This interactive program, sponsored by the Board of Rabbis and the Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks, and facilitated by Noam Gilboord, will provide a general overview of the challenges posed to Israel and American Jewish communities by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) against Israel. Teens are encouraged to attend. RSVP to Beth El Synagogue, 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, N.J. 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Tues., March 15 
Excel for Beginners will be taught at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor N.J. Come to learn the basics of this popular spreadsheet program. Call the library to register at 609-448-1330. 
Wed., March 16 
College Safety with Thomas Zambrano at 7 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library, 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, N.J. Thomas Zambrano is the Director of Security at Georgian Court University. Join us for a special program and learn how to choose a safe college, how to stay safe at college, and tips to help you become aware and alert to unexpected danger. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org.
Drug Free New Jersey: 15 Minute Child Break will be presented on at 7 p.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J. This interactive one-hour presentation is for parents, grandparents and caregivers who are concerned about children/teens and substance abuse. Topics include: talking to your kids about drugs & alcohol; influence of media and pop culture; effects of specific drugs; and how to keep your kids drug-free. Presented by the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey. Call the library to register for this program at 609-448-1330.

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