WHAT’S GOING ON for the week of 2/5/16


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Sat., Feb. 6 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor will be sponsoring music by Crashing Through Doors featuring Barry Wasserman and Alan Stein at 7:30 p.m. Join us for an evening of live music, desserts, coffee and tea. The cost is $20 per person. RSVP to the Beth El Synagogue office by January 29, 2016 at 609-443-4454 or be emailing admin@bethel.net. Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520, www.bethel.net.
The CranburyTownship Committee will meet at 9 a.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 23-A North Main Street, Cranbury.
Adult Craft: Heart Ornaments, will be held at 11 a.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library. Get creative and crafty for Valentine’s Day with this fun and decorative hanging paper ornament. Material will be provided. The library is at 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org. 
Sun., Feb. 7 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Women’s League will be sponsoring “Coach Bag Bingo” from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Admission is $35 and includes 15 games, door prize, snacks, pastries, fruit, drinks and a chance to win genuine Coach bags and items. Additional specials, 50/50 and raffles will be available. RSVP to Beth El Synagogue. Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Tues., Feb. 9 
The Cranbury Public Library will host an event on digital and traditional scrapbooking at 10:30 a.m. Learn about the latest and greatest apps and programs to make digital scrapbooks and see a demonstration of the library’s Silhouette Cameo cutter to use for traditional scrapbooking. Patrons may use the cutter for their own projects too – just make an appointment. The library is at 23 N. Main St., Cranbury.
An Introduction to Social Media class will be held at the Hickory Corner Branch Library at 10 a.m. Learn about social media websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and what you can do with them. Basic computer skills required; call to register at (609) 448-1330. Presented by Gregory Duncan with Teach Tech LLC. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor.
The Death Café will meet at 6 p.m. at Perkins restaurant, 50 Princeton Hightstown Road, East Windsor. RSVP to Laurie at 609-443-1844. 
Wed., Feb. 10 
Healthy and Tasty Soul Food with Giavonna Carbonella will be held at 7 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library. Ms. Carbonella is the registered dietician of the Perlmutter Family ShopRites. She will cook of healthy soul food with authentic flavors in honor of Black History Month. The library is at 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org. 
Thurs., Feb. 11 
Microsoft Word for Beginners computer class will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch Library, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor. Come to learn the basics of the popular word processing program. Call the library to register at (609) 448-1330. 
Thurs., Feb. 18 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Seniors meeting will host guest speaker, Rabbi Jay M. Kornsgold at 1 p.m. The topic of the discussion will be “Where is God When We Need God: The Holocaust and Other Horrors.” Join us as we discuss one of the great conundrums of the modern age: How do we reconcile our belief and faith in God in the face of the horrors occurring around us when we see no way of resolution or rescue through prayer and supplication to God. Rabbi Kornsgold will lead us through the philosophical and religious pathways to search for an answer. Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Fri., Feb. 19 
The Cranbury Public Library will host a program on “Ghost Writing a Memoir” at 7 p.m. Come hear about Robin Black’s experience ghost writing the holocaust memoir, “One Voice, Two Lives.” The library is at 23 N. Main St., Cranbury.
Having trouble finding what you’re looking for in the Mercer County Library’s catalog? Want to know how to register for a library program online, find a foreign language DVD, or request an item? Come to a class to learn about the library website & catalog at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch Library, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor. Call the library to register at (609) 448-1330.
A Drum Circle will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, Group drumming has been proven to relieve stress, boost the immune system and lower blood pressure. Musician and teacher Reed Thomas will lead the program. Drums will be provided or you may bring your own. No experience required. 
Sun., Feb. 21 
The Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Genealogy Club will be discussing “Early 20th Century Passenger Ship Arrival Records” at 7:30 p.m. Marshall Lerner will discuss the back story behind early 20th century passenger ship records and their usefulness when researching family members. He will cover changing societal views towards immigration “back in the day” as well as the specific types of information that can be gleaned from passenger manifests and ship records. Marshall is a member of the Beth El Genealogy Club. He is a long standing member of the Jewish Genealogy Society of New York, an attendee at international genealogical conferences and a relatively early member of the JewishGen community. Working under the leadership of the late John Marino from the Italian Genealogy Group, Marshall helped develop a number of the well known indexes that people find useful when searching for vital records at the New York City Municipal Archives.Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520. www.bethel.net. Contact the Synagogue Office with any questions, (609) 443-4454. 
Mon., Feb. 22 
Book Café with guest author Michele Seigfriend will be held at 3 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library. Meet Ms. Seigfeid as she presents cozy mysteries from her “Jersey Shore Mystery Series.” Books will be available for purchase and light refreshments will be served. The library is at 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org.
Mystery Book Club will meet at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J., at 7 p.m.. The group will be discussing “Brimstone” by Douglass Preston & Lee Child. No registration is necessary. 
Wed., Feb. 24 
The Hickory Corner Book Discussion Group will meet at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J., at 7:30 p.m. The book for this month is “Vanishing Acts” by Jodi Picoult. No registration is necessary. 
Sat., Feb. 27 
Mr. Malcolm Celebrates Dr. Suess’ Birthday, will be held from 11:00 a.m. to noon at the Hightstown Memorial Library, 114 Franklin St. in Hightstown. Be part of the story as Mr. Malcolm brings Dr. Suess’ beloved classics to life with fun, interactive storytelling. Register online at www.mcl.org.
First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury will have a Chinese New Year celebration and fundraiser for the new community library put on by the Chinese community in Cranbury. The event will be from noon to 3 p.m. at the Cranbury Public Library. Cost is $30 for adults and $15 for children. Kids under 5 years old are free. Tickets must be purcahsed at the library prior to the event, which is limited to 125 attendees. 
Mon., Feb. 29 
iPad for Beginners will be held at 3 p.m. at the Plumsted Branch of the Ocean County Library. Bring your own fully charged iPad, Apple ID and password. The library is at 119 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. For information, call the library at 609-758-7888 or visit the website www.oceancountylibrary.org.
A class on Google Tips & Tricks will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Hickory Corner Branch, Mercer County Library System, 138 Hickory Corner Road, East Windsor, N.J. Come to learn about the special features of the popular search engine and internet services platform. Call the library to register at 609-448-1330 or email hcprogs@mcl.org. 
Mon., March 7 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor and Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County present “Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer” at 7 p.m. Jeannie Opdyke Smith, the daughter of the late Irene Opdyke, will speak about her mother’s story. Irene Opdyke, a brave and inspiring figure, received international recognition for her life-saving actions during the Holocaust when working for a high-ranking German official. She risked her life by aiding and saving Jews during the Holocaust. Her story is powerful, emotional, and awe-inspiring. Join us as Jeannie tells her mother’s story in a magnificent style. The free event will be held at Beth El Synagogue is East Windsor, is open to everyone and is appropriate for students 7th grade and up. For more information, contact Lisa Adler at JFCS, LisaA@jfcsonline.org, 609-987-8100 X113 or Beth El Synagogue at 609-443-4454.Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Sun., March 13 
The Community Concert Association of Bordentown Inc. will host “Jersey Sound” at 3 p.m. in Bordentown Regional Middle School, 50 Dunn’s Mill Road, Bordentown. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $5 for seniors. This award-winning chorus, a member of “Sweet Adelines,” brings musicianship, memorable repertory, humor and vocal quality to every performance. Enjoy a concert of old-time classics, pop, jazz, patriotic, and Broadway favorites. For additional concert or membership information, call 609-298-5465. 
Sun., March 20 
Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor, Werner Lecture Fund, presents Ted Otten and Michael Kownacky and ‘An evening of stories of the career and music of Leonard Bernstein,” at 7 p.m. For more than 20 years, Ted Otten and Michael Kownacky have been presenting music from the world of the performing arts to their listeners on WWFM – The Classical Network. Each hour program is based on a specific theme that showcases everything from Broadway to Hollywood, musicals from around the world, performance art, and cabaret. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Sun., March 27 
The Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Genealogy Club will be sponsoring a “Double Header” program at 7:30 p.m. Part one of the meeting will address “Using Probate Records to find Cousins.” Part two will address “Searching for a Birth Family.” Beth El Synagogue is located at 50 Maple Stream Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520; 609-443-4454; www.bethel.net. 
Sun., April 10 
The Community Concert Association of Bordentown Inc. will host “Broadway-Style Musical Revue” at 3 p.m. in Bordentown Regional Middle School, 50 Dunn’s Mill Road, Bordentown. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $5 for seniors. This particular concert gives the opportunity to remember the great Broadway composers from the past 100 years who have made music that is authentically American and popular around the world. For additional concert or membership information, call 609-298-5465. 
Continuing events 
Spinning Yarns Craft Circle: This club meets the first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Cranbury Public Library at 23 N. Main St. in Cranbury. Visit the Gambino Room for an hour of knitting, crocheting, crafts and conversation. All levels welcome.
The Monroe Township Police PBA #255 & SOA #203 is having its second annual toy drive between now and Dec. 9. Residents are asked to drop off an unwrapped toy or make a monetary donation for children of all ages at the police department, 3 Municipal Plaza. For more information, contact Lt. Lisa Robinson at 732-521-0222, ext. 149 or email lrobinson@monroetwppolice.org; or Officer Wesley Panckeri at 732-521-0222, ext. 210 or email wpanckeri@monroetwppolice.org.
Read It and Eat It! Cook Book Club: This club takes place the third Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Cranbury Public Library at 23 N. Main St. in Cranbury. Call the library to reserve a copy of this month’s book or visit www.goodreads.com/topic/group_folder/264622.
Toddler Stay and Play: This event is held Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. in the at 23 N. Main St. in Cranbury. Early literacy story time helps prepare children with future reading skills. After singing, reading, and talking, children ages 12-24 months with a caregiver stay and play.
Movie Club: This club meets on the third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Cranbury Public Library at 23 N. Main St. in Cranbury Join the lively discussions about movies.
Central Jersey Chapter 148 of Korean War Veterans Association: Any veterans who served during the war from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953 or who have served in Korea from July 27, 1953 to the current date can join the group that meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of every month (except January, February, March and April) at the Monroe Township Municipal Building. Requirements for membership include paying dues of $25 to the Korean War Veterans Association and a $10 chapter fee per year. The chapter is involved in various functions throughout the year including parades with color guard, flag raisings, Korean War memorial ceremonies, funerals and more. For more information, contact Charles Koppelman at 609-655-3111 or email him at KWVANJ@yahoo.com.
Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool: Registration for the 2015-16 school year for both Pre-K-3 and Pre-K-4 programs continues to be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Call Preschool Director Kathy Schroeder at 609- 298-2880 ext. 101 for availability.
Community dinner: Rise and the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen offer free hot meals at the First Presbyterian Church, 320 N. Main St., Hightstown, on Mondays from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and the First United Methodist Church, 187 Stockton St., Hightstown, on Thursdays from 4:30 to 6 p.m. All meals are provided free, no-questions-asked. Volunteers are welcome.

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