EAST WINDSOR: Mayor keeps big chair for 21st year


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By Amy Batista, Special Writer
EAST WINDSOR — New Year’s Day marked the beginning of Janice Mironov’s 21st consecutive year as mayor as Township Council members unanimously re-elected her to the position.
“I thank all the members for their great confidence and all of you as well,” said Mayor Mironov.
The morning meeting took place Jan. 1 at the East Windsor Township Senior Center, which was filled with local residents as well as dignitaries from around the state.
Rabbi Jay Kornsgold, of the Beth El Synagogue, led the ceremony with an invocation. Boy Scout Troop 59 presented the colors and led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance. East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 member Harvey Bailey sang the national anthem.
Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello read the certificate of election for Mayor Mironov and council members Marc Lippman, Peter Yeager and John Zoller, who won their bids for re-election in November.
New Jersey State Senator Linda Greenstein, of the 14th District, administered the oath of office to Mayor Mironov.
“We certainly here in East Windsor have a wonderful government and I think each and every one of you know that,” said Sen. Greenstein. “It’s just great to be here and see how well government works here in town.”
Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler administered the oath of office to Mr. Lippman. Sen. Greenstein administered the oath of office to Mr. Yeager and Sheriff Kemler administered the oath to Mr. John Zoller.
The floor was then opened for nominations for mayor. Council member Perry Shapiro nominated Mayor Mironov. She was the only member of Township Council nominated for the position.
“I would like to nominate a person who has certainly been East Windsor’s biggest cheerleader and who has years of office as East Windsor’s mayor,” he said. “We can see from the consistency and the improvements and beautification of this town.”
Council member Zoller seconded the nomination.
“Mayor Mironov has shown herself to be a true public servant and a leader among her peers,” he said. “She has every confidence of the council members. We all look forward to her reappointment and continued success in the office of mayor.”
Mercer County Executive Brain M. Hughes said a few remarks prior to administering the oath for the office of mayor to Ms. Mironov.
“Certainly the people of New Jersey, East Windsor Township, Mercer County, and our entire country deserve to have the best 2016 possible and I think we are on our way to do that,” said Mr. Hughes.
He said in the 12 years that he has been county executive, he has found a partner in Mayor Mironov.
“She has worked diligently with the county on making so many things available to East Windsor taxpayers and residents, I can’t describe them all,” he said, citing open space, road projects, or simple grants.
The floor was next opened for nominations for deputy mayor. Council member Marc Lippman nominated Mr. Yeager and was seconded by Alan Rosenberg.
Deputy Mayor Yeager was sworn in by Mayor Mironov.
The council approved the appointments of David Orron as the township attorney, Jeffrey Rubin the township prosecutor and Robert Schwartz as the township public defender.
Mr. Lippman was appointed as a liaison to fire companies. Mr. Shapiro was appointed to Environmental Commission, Planning Board, fire companies, and rescue squads. Mr. Rosenberg was appointed liaison to the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Rise Board of Directors, and Commission on Aging.
Mr. Zoller was appointed a liaison to the Economic Development Committee, Health Advisory Board, and Municipal Alliance Committee.
Newly appointed council member Denise Daniels, who was named in December after the death of council member Hector Duke, was appointed liaison to the Environmental Commission, and Commission on Aging.
Deputy Mayor Yeager was appointed liaison to the Local Assistance Board, Municipal Alliance Committee, and Recreation Commission.
Mayor Mironov will also serve as liaison on to the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Economic Development Committee, an alternate representative on the Rise Board of Directors, fire companies, and rescue squads.
Mayor Mironov presented and recognized several volunteers at the ceremony with certificates of appreciation.
“One of the things that is really very important to us is a tremendous assistance in our government is the fact that we have so many volunteers,” she said. “We are really very fortunate to have people who are willing to step up to give their time, people of diverse backgrounds, experience and knowledge, and its really a terrific asset for us.”
Mayor Mironov also acknowledged the “great staff and great department heads.”
“They do a great job and make me look good,” she said. “We thank all of them and a number of them are here. We thank them for the great job that they do. You are appreciated.”
She said they recognized Employees of the Year during a council meeting but when they were doing that she had another plaque prepared that she wanted to present today.
“There’s a lot of challenges that go on in local government every day,” she said. “Some of them are big, some of them are less big, but they are all important, and if you are one of the people having one of those challenges its very important to you and we recognize that.”
She said residents are fortunate in East Windsor that they have somebody at the helm who has really worked very hard, long hours, with deep passion, and interest with respect to performing the very best for their community.
“I wanted to at today’s Jan. 1 meeting recognize what I had called our All Around Employee of the Year,” she said, adding it has no date and no particular department.
She presented the award to Township Manager James “Jim” Brady. Next, the mayor took a few minutes to remember and pay tribute to former council member Hector Duke, who died on Dec. 3, 2015, and served on council from 1998 to 2015.
“I want to spend a few minutes I thought it was appropriate,” she said. “As you know, this month we had a very sad passing of one of our longtime members, somebody who we had grown very close to. He was just a very generous, good-hearted individual. He would help anybody that he could and was somebody who meant a great deal to us,” she said.
She said that she wanted to have a tribute on this occasion and asked council members to join her in saying a few words followed by a special presentation of a small gift of a clock to Mr. Duke’s wife, Joanne.
“Saying some words about Hector is not a hard thing to do because there was so much about Hector I could probably speak all afternoon about him,” said Mr. Shapiro. “Personally, it’s a hard thing to do because it’s hard to think that I won’t be seeing him anymore.”
Mr. Rosenberg said he had known Mr. Duke for 36 years and has campaigned with him four times.
“A man of high energy and a go-to guy,” he said. “I will always remember walking with him. He always walked so far ahead of us with so much energy it was hard to believe we were campaigning together. I love him and I always will and I will miss him.”
The meeting concluded with remarks from members of council and the mayor.
Mayor Mironov, before adjourning the ceremony, addressed the public and summed up events of the past year and also discussed some of the projects ahead in 2016.
“One of the things that is really important to me that I want to leave as my last comment is whatever we do as citizens in this great country is that we do it with tolerance, we do it constructively, we do it together,” she said. “Whatever your opinions, whatever your affiliations, we need to do it in a way that demonstrates respect, that demonstrates a common bond of the values that we have always held. The bottom line is let’s do them in a way that makes all of us proud and what reflects what this country was born to be,” she said.
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1. member Harvey Bailey also sang “God Bless the U.S.A.” before the meeting adjourned followed by Boy Scout Troop 59 retiring the colors. 

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